which of the following are primary producers

C) tropical seasonal forest The improvement of which scientific tool produced significant advancements in the study. (a) Fungi (b) Eukarya (c) Archaea (d) Protists. Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment. III. C) decrease in the amount of energy in a trophic level that is lost as it passes to the next higher level II. 1.5K Likes, 36 Comments. D) Seal populations are larger than fish populations. Oak trees produce their own food by photosynthesis. Consider the food chain of grass grasshopper mouse snake hawk. What would happen to the new lawn of bacteria after several days? 10) Which of the following organisms is correctly paired with its trophic level? Nutrients are attached to small particles of sand or clay that leave the watershed. 48) Which of the following locations are major reservoirs for carbon in the carbon cycle? Primary production is the production of chemical energy in organic compounds by living organisms.The main source of this energy is sunlight but a minute fraction of primary production is driven by lithotrophic organisms using the chemical energy of inorganic molecules.. At these points, the ecosystems are interdependent. (C) ones that use nitrogen-containing compounds as an electron acceptor. D) glaciers They do this through the process of photosynthesis. Net primary production 2. Which of the following consume other living organisms? Its estimated between 50-85% of the world's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton. A) Polar bears can provide more food for humans than seals can. See Section 2.1 and Figure 3.01. b. C) Predators are more disease-prone than animals at lower trophic levels. It is this adaptation that makes it possible for desert organisms to survive over the long term. I. changes in geographic ranges Basically, this is how a Fujian is proceeding. E) cyanobacteria. A) 0.01 percent The total biomass of an ecosystem would be most increased by which of the following? B) conversion of grasslands and forests into agricultural fields The oak tree is a primary producer. Which of the following locations is the largest reservoir for carbon in the carbon cycle? 24) Many of the organisms in the ocean are nutrient-limited. Fungi and Plantae c. Fungi and Metazoa, Bacteria, mushrooms, and other fungi are examples of? B) open ocean C) algal beds and reefs They use the process called chemosynthesis to convert carbon into organic matter using hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide or methane as an energy source. answer choices. II. Fungi are: a) eukaryotes and opisthokonts b) prokaryotes and opisthokonts c) flagellate and dikaryotic d) autotrophic eukaryotes e) heterotrophs with cellulose cell walls, Palm trees, ferns, and algae are examples of: A) decomposers B) top consumers C) photoautotrophs D) chemoautotrophs E) primary consumers, Of Fungi, Metazoa, and Plantae, which two are thought to be more closely related to each other than they are to the third? Primary consumers are those organisms which feeds on producers. To what kingdom would a single-celled, nucleated, photosynthetic organism belong? Most diverse kingdom a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi f. None of the above, Organisms classed as Euglenozoa have previously been classified as protozoans, protista, plants, and animals. oceans A. First-order heterotrophs B. Third-order heterotrophs C. Producers D. None of the Above, What is another term for autotroph? Production increases correspond to periods of ice thickening increases in the fall, while there is still significant sunlight. Three former Rust crew members have filed a new lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and the film's producers, claiming they failed to follow safety rules. B) only II and IV B) fungi have cell walls made of chitin. All of the following would be placed in the Domain Eukarya except [{Blank}]. A) the changes in precipitation patterns that result from global warming Primary producers are those organisms that can synthesize their own food using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight ( photosynthesis). Infrequent rains prompt brief periods of activity where organisms act quickly to produce nutrients. (D) It is eliminated as feces or is dissipated into space as heat, consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. phosphorus. C) fungi are heterotrophic. number of producers and their efficiency. Animalia 2. All members of the kingdom ________ are heterotrophic. heterotrophs. B. green algae and horsetails. 13) Use the following figure to answer the question. They form the basis of the food chain by creating food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. A) Humus is composed of inorganic nutrients, and organic matter is composed only of organic matter. 23) Suppose you are studying the nitrogen cycling between vegetation, sediments, and water in a pond ecosystem over the course of a month. In other words, all animals are dependent, either directly or indirectly on the food materials stored in plants. While aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are largely independent of each other, there are places where they intersect. All of the above are eukaryotic. Aquatic primary producers include plants, algae and bacteria. irrigation agriculture E) nitrate and ammonium ions in the soil, (E) nitrate and ammonium ions in the soil, In the nitrogen cycle, the bacteria that replenish the atmosphere with nitrogen are ________. 60) Acid precipitation lowered the pH of soil in a terrestrial ecosystem that supported a diverse community of plants and animals. E) acid precipitation in Europe, Which of the following are negative biological consequences of climate change? Members of which of the following are the major primary producers in the marine ecosystem? B) I and III only Match the following: 1. A) nitrogen in the atmosphere a) yeasts and molds b) algae and protozoa c) helminths d) all of the above, In which of the following groups does seaweed belong? Which organisms form the kingdom Plantae? animals cannot produce their own food. How does this occur? Bacteria 3. Greenhouse gas emissions from transportation primarily come from burning fossil fuel for our cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes. B) only II and IV E) atmosphere, Which of the following human activities is impacting the water cycle the LEAST? 900 seconds. B) I and II Give an ex C) The biomass of producers in an ecosystem is generally higher than the biomass of primary consumers. a. are multicelled b. form flagellated spores c. are heterotrophs d. produce multicellular fruiting bodies, What ecological role is played by cyanobacteria? Where the water is too deep for sunlight to reach the bottom, microscopic plant cells known as phytoplankton provide most of the sustenance for aquatic life. These "vent microbes" are the primary producers on the ocean floor and support entire ecosystems. B. primary producers. D) reduction of nitrogen fixation by bacteria C) Completing pre-licensing training. 50) Use the following figure to answer the question. Animals like shrimp and crabs can break the materials down to detritus. 66) The Hubbard Brook watershed deforestation experiment yielded all of the following results except which of the following? A) biome c. romaine lettuce (Kingdom Plantae) d. portobello mushroom (Kingdom Fungi) e. sea sponge (Kingdom Animalia). C) the increase in the average temperature of the whole planet By using fossil fuels we are destroying a nonrenewable resource. Green algae c. Plants d. Fungus, Which of the following is an example of a eukaryotic organism? A) The Euglenozoa are unicellular like protozoans, heterotrophic like animals, and photosynthetic like plants. Q. Explanation: The primary producers are the autotrophs i.e. Decomposer. D) secrete enzymes that convert the organic molecules of detritus into carbon dioxide and water Areas with higher nitrate concentrations demonstrate higher productivity. C) only I, II, and IV plant and animal biomass High-energy solar radiation enters the atmosphere. C) protists. Why is terrestrial productivity higher in equatorial climates? C) ones that use nitrogen-containing compounds as an electron acceptor. D) Obtaining a bachelor's degree. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, What is a Decomposer? When the sea ice melts, the ice algae are released into the water and add to the phytoplankton bloom, impacting the polar marine food web. Labeling a carnivore as a heterotroph would be correct. D) global warming The producers are fed by these substances. Answer: Primary consumers. (C) Longer chains are less stable and energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. 63) The discipline that applies ecological principles to returning degraded ecosystems to a more natural state is known as, 64) Nitrifying bacteria participate in the nitrogen cycle mainly by. Terms in this set (78) The process by which energy derived from solar radiation is used by certain organisms to form organic matter is called: photosynthesis. (a) Fungi (b) Plantae (c) Bacteria (d) Protista. D) continent, Which habitat types in the accompanying figure cover the largest area? Primary producers in those environments use chemosynthesis instead. Week Topic/TEKS Agenda 3 . 3b. A) only I and III A) Many primary and higher-order consumers are opportunistic feeders. Protista C.) Monera D.) Prokaryotae. a. Protista b. Red-tailed Hawks prey on mice and prairie kingsnakes . E) may be autotrophic or heterotrophic, (C) convert organic materials from all trophic levels to inorganic compounds usable by primary a. giant kelp (Kingdom Protista) b. Into which domain are protists, fungi, plants, and animals classified? decomposition of the leaves of deciduous trees that fall on the surface of the soil. - Producer - Moss - Grass - Mushroom, Prokaryotic organisms make up the.. a. Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, and Protists b. Archaebacteria and Protists c. Protists and Eubacteria d. Eubacteria and Archaebacteria. Primary producers support the primary consumers in an ecosystem. They are organisms that feed on primary consumers for nutrients and energy. D) nucleic acids from decomposing plants and animals Which letter represents an organism that could be a producer? Primary consumers Producers 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement thor12336 thor12336 Answer: Primary consumers is the correct answer, i did the flvs test :) . D) It is eliminated as feces or is dissipated into space as heat, consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. Harmful algal blooms have been reported in all coastal states in the United States as well as in freshwater in more than half the states. D) unicellular. A) tropical wet forest Phytoplankton become important producers in the sea because can transform inorganic carbon in the atmosphere into organic compounds. What nuclide will be formed when 86222Rn{ }_{86}^{222} \mathrm{Rn}86222Rn emits an alpha particle? (A) Energy is lost because most of the total energy consumed is used for cellular respiration rather than growth and reproduction. What is the limiting portion of the cycle for plants? C) Heat produced by cellular respiration is used by heterotrophs for thermoregulation. D) fungi. c. Chemosynthetic producers. Plant-like photosynthesis that releases O_2 occurs in: A) actinomycetes. E) permanent burial of nitrogen in coastal environments through runoff, Which of the following is a source of human-fixed nitrogen? Which one of the following characteristics is shared by all of its members? D) II, Using the accompanying figure, what is the predicted change in temperature under a model with continued very high emission of greenhouse gases? III. Analysts at Deutsche Bank raised their target price on Associated British Foods from 2,180.0p to 2,300.0p on Tuesday, stating its Primark unit had driven "another upgrade". B) Productivity increases with water availability. While primary consumers are always herbivores; organisms that only feed on autotrophic plants, secondary consumers can be carnivores or omnivores. Complete this table relating the values of $E\degree_{cell}$ and $\Delta G\degree$ to K. C) algal beds and reefs The remains of plants and animals that is consumed by detritivores is called ___. 62) Which of these ecosystems has the lowest net primary production per square meter? B) open ocean most of the energy taken in by organisms does not continue to the next level of the food chain. Group of answer choices. Consider the following organisms: Paramecium, Euglena, Spirogyra, Oscillatoria, Anabaena, and Stentor. Which of the following terms apply to plants rather than the Kingdom Fungi? 12) Matter may be gained by, or lost from, ecosystems. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. E) the increase in the total temperature across the whole planet, (C) the increase in the average temperature of the whole planet, Global climate change refers to ________. B) I and II D) 10 percent b. herbivores at the bottom, carnivores in the middle, and primary producers at the top. C) as matter passes through ecosystems, some of it is lost to the environment At the other extreme, areas that are cold much of the time, such as the Arctic, are unable to support much plant life. Which of the following is a consequence of biological magnification? Determine the percent of sodium nitrate in the original sample. D) fungi exhibit absorptive nutrition. A herbivore is this. C) polar ice caps C) convert organic materials from all trophic levels to inorganic compounds usable by primary producers In freshwater areas and shallow saltwater areas, producers include not only phytoplankton such as green algae, but also aquatic plants such as sea grasses and seaweed or larger rooted plants that grow on the surface of water such as cattails and provide not only food but also shelter for larger aquatic life. D) usually greater than production efficiencies C) Longer chains are less stable and energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. Primary producers are the foundation of an ecosystem. Secondary consumers occupy the third trophic level in a typical food chain. The place an organism attains in a food web is called its trophic level. B) <1C An arid desert ecosystem does not have a consistent water supply, so its primary producers, such as algae and lichen, spend some periods of time in an inactive state. C. Most diverse kingdom. B) rock, sand, and ice Show your work. D) Eventually, the nutrients in soil organic matter are converted to inorganic form. Final answer: Decomposers are the largest population in a food chain. Fungi (like mushrooms) are decomposers that decompose organic matter and consume that as their source of energy. a. Heterotrophs b. In a food chain, there are no secondary producers. For most terrestrial ecosystems, pyramids composed of species abundances, biomass, and energy are similar in that they have a broad base and a narrow top. D) algae in lakes and streams, Considering the global carbon cycle, where are humans having a great impact? (a) Animals. I. increases in human population converting all the sodium nitrate to 0.2339g0.2339 \mathrm{~g}0.2339g of sodium nitrite and oxygen gas. Which below is NOT a way mciosis increases genetic diversity? Plants are called primary producers because they produce the material and store the energy at the bottom of the food chain. |--|--|--| Therefore, they for the base of any food chain. A) I For example, up to 100,000 pounds of phytoplankton may be necessary to feed the equivalent of only one pound of a predator species at the top end of the chain. a. unicellular worm b. multicellular algae c. flagellated protist d. multicellular fungus. A) Primary producers occupy the trophic level that directly feeds all autotrophs.B) Heterotrophs are able to thrive in an ecosystem without primary producers. The availability of soil nutrients has a direct effect on primary productivity. The genes shows independent assortment. They are both heterotrophic. Which of the following is a primary producer? Step 1: Trophic levels. There are no secondary producers for top carnivores or G. composers. Why the confusion? A large, green, multicellular, autotrophic organism with cells containing nuclei and other membranous organelles. Which of these ecosystems has the highest net primary productivity per square meter annually? A. an increase in primary producers in the ecosystem B. an increase in primary consumers in an ecosystem C. an increase in secondary consumers in an ecosystem D. an increase in detritivores in an ecosystem. E) only I and II, Nitrogen is available to plants mostly in the form of ________. A) Productivity increases with temperature. Which of the following is most correct regarding non-limiting and limiting nutrients? ; The amount of energy observed at a trophic level decreases when moving through an ecosystem. B) only II B) only II D) the changes in ocean temperatures as a result of increased global carbon emissions 2) Which of the following terms encompasses all of the others? 35) Why does a vegetarian leave a smaller ecological footprint than an omnivore? Like their aquatic counterparts, they use photosynthesis to convert nutrients and organic materials from the soil into food sources to nourish other plants and animals. Consumer. For this reason, bacterial colonies in some limestone caves are chemoautotrophic, also known as rock eating. These bacteria, like those in the ocean depths, get their necessary nourishment from the nitrogen, sulfur or iron compounds found in or on the surface of rocks that have been carried there by water seeping through the porous surface. Which of the following locations is the main reservoir for nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle? Amount of energy available to primary consumers tertiary consumer primary consumer producer secondary consumer, Consider the following prairie food chain. B) B |<1 | | | Since they are small in size and can be susceptible to changing environmental conditions, ecosystems with more diverse populations of primary producers tend to thrive more than those with homogeneous populations. eukaryotic phytoplankton. Regardless of its source, this energy is used to synthesize complex organic molecules from simpler inorganic compounds such . 17) Why is terrestrial productivity higher in equatorial climates? a. multicellular b. photosynthetic c. eukaryotic d. parasitic e. marine, What are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms such as mammals called? d. Pathogens of plants and animals. Though hydrogen sulfide is toxic to most animals, organisms living at these hydrothermal vents have adapted and instead thrive. Fungi c. Plants d. Algae e. All of the above. To which group of the periodic table does oxygen belong? *A Private Investor is a recipient of the information who meets all of the conditions set out below, the recipient: Obtains access to the information in a personal capacity; (A) Toxic chemicals in the environment pose greater risk to top-level predators than to primary consumers. a. bacteria b. archaea c. protists d. fungi e. plants f. animals. a) Yeasts b) Sponges c) Sporozoans d) Fishes e) Diatoms. Which type of organism uses water, carbon dioxide, and energy from the sun to make its own food? B) Passing examination with 75% or higher score. The decrease in pH eliminated all nitrogen-fixing bacteria populations in the area. Option (c): Secondary consumers are carnivores which feed on the primary consumers. 34) How does inefficient transfer of energy among trophic levels result in the typically high endangerment status of many top-level predators? The first trophic level of an ecosystem consists of. B) Canada D) increases in irrigated agriculture, (C) increased processing of salt water to freshwater, Consider the global nitrogen cycle depicted in the accompanying figure. the temperature on Earth. C. primary consumers. Which of the following is not a primary producer? This fact is partially true considering their photosynthetic nature and low trophic level. can synthesize their food.They provide food, shelter, and O to the consumers. I. 41) If the flow of energy in an arctic ecosystem goes through a simple food chain, perhaps involving humans, starting from phytoplankton to zooplankton to fish to seals to polar bears, then which of the following could be accurate? Water appears on both sides of the equation because the water molecule is split, and new water molecules are made in the process. An organism attains in a food chain in lakes and streams, Considering the global carbon cycle protists d. e.... 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