what if the titanic never sank

The 882-foot long Titanic steamed from Queenstown, Ireland, on Apr. [61][62], Captain Smith felt the collision in his cabin and immediately came to the bridge. Major Arthur Godfrey Peuchen of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club stepped forward and climbed down a rope into the lifeboat; he was the only adult male passenger whom Lightoller allowed to board during the port side evacuation. [45] Titanic's discoverer, Robert Ballard, has commented that the assumption that the ship had suffered a major breach was "a by-product of the mystique of the Titanic. [231] The first major exhibition of recovered artefacts was held at London's National Maritime Museum in 199495. [82] Had this been done, an additional 500people could have been saved; instead, hundreds of people, predominantly men, were left on board as lifeboats were launched with many seats vacant. These took about 30seconds to close; warning bells and alternative escape routes were provided so that the crew would not be trapped by the doors. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Rare footage of Titanic shipwreck released to the public for first time, The three most romantic zodiac signs, not only on Valentines Day, Its heart still goes on Titanic leads the box office 25 years after first release, Why Titanics youngest survivor refused to see James Camerons film. As well as serving as the subject of one of the highest-grossing movies of all time, [178] The more popular top-down theory states that the breakup was centralized on the structural weak-point at the entrance to the first boiler room, and that the breakup formed first at the upper decks before shooting down to the keel. [111][112] The lifeboats' descent was likewise risky. He erred on the side of caution by ordering his crew to begin preparing the lifeboats for loading, and to get the passengers into their lifebelts before he was told by Andrews that the ship was sinking. She was reaching for retirement and they knew that. The shortage of lifeboats was not because of a lack of space nor because of cost. [177], There are two main theories on how the ship broke in two the "top-down" theory and the Mengot theory, so named for its creator, Roy Mengot. They were presumably trapped and drowned by the rising water below decks. This suggests that the iron rivets along the plate seams snapped off or popped open to create narrow gaps through which water flooded. [240] The death toll has been put at between 1,490 and 1,635people. As the mail room flooded, the mail sorters made an ultimately futile attempt to save the 400,000items of mail being carried aboard Titanic. Millionaire John Jacob Astor declared: "We are safer here than in that little boat. It was perhaps no coincidence that English-speaking Irish immigrants were disproportionately represented among the steerage passengers who survived. After the ship has collided with the iceberg, J. Bruce Ismay, chairman of the White Star Line, retorts: But this ship cant sink! while Captain Smith, his officers, and architect Thomas Andrews discuss the sinking. George Orrell, the bandmaster of the rescue ship, Carpathia, who spoke with survivors, related: "The ship's band in any emergency is expected to play to calm the passengers. 4, having remained near the sinking ship, seems to have been closest to the site of the sinking at around 50 metres (160ft) away; this had enabled two people to drop into the boat and another to be picked up from the water before the ship sank. The ship is thoroughly equipped and everyone on her will be saved. The US inquiry began on 19 April under the chairmanship of Senator William Alden Smith,[222] and the British inquiry commenced in London under Lord Mersey on 2 May 1912. Titanic Ship. It would be difficult to find anyone unfamiliar with the Titanic. Many theorists are of the opinion that it was not the Titanic that sank. [121] Lord did not act on the report, but Stone was perturbed: "A ship is not going to fire rockets at sea for nothing," he told a colleague. Cyrus Christen. The ship would slip beneath the waves 55 minutes later, taking 30 of the 1,065 people on board down with her. RMSCarpathia arrived about an hour and a half after the sinking and rescued all of the 710 survivors by 09:15 on 15 April, some nine and a half hours after the collision. He cried monotonously, in a dull, hopeless way. But when I heard this theory, everything like made sense.. [38] Because the centre turbine could not be reversed, both it and the centre propeller, positioned directly in front of the ship's rudder, were stopped. It was planned.. Ex: JP Morgan had more than one rival on the Titanic. [153] In contrast, Archibald Gracie emphatically denied it in his own account, written soon after the sinking, and Radio Operator Harold Bride said that he had heard the band playing ragtime, then "Autumn",[154] by which he may have meant Archibald Joyce's then-popular waltz "Songe d'Automne" (Autumn Dream). "[137] After he evicted them by threatening them with his revolver (which was empty), he was unable to find enough women and children to fill the boat[137] and lowered it with only 25 people on board out of a possible capacity of 40. Engine Oiler Walter Hurst recalled being "awakened by a grinding crash along the starboard side. [99], At 00:45, lifeboat No. The sinking of the RMS Titanic was one of the most devastating disasters in modern history. Both the Olympic and Titanic were supposedly identical to each other. Milton Hershey, of the famed Hersheys chocolate brand, also didnt get on the Titanic despite having already paid the deposit. [149] Titanic had two separate bands of musicians. [12] Her passengers were a cross-section of Edwardian society, from millionaires such as John Jacob Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim,[13] to poor emigrants from countries as disparate as Armenia, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Syria and Russia seeking a new life in the United States. 1985: The Olympic gains popularity after the discovery of the wreckage of the Titanic. [14] Many of those who did survive owed their lives to third-class steward John Edward Hart, who organised three trips into the ship's interior to escort groups of third-class passengers up to the boat deck. [98] Lightoller took charge of the boats on the port side and Murdoch took charge of those on the starboard side. Among those aboard was stewardess Violet Jessop, who would repeat the experience four years later when she survived the sinking of one of Titanic's sister ships, Britannic, in the First World War. What would have become of the RMS Titanic, herself, has she not sunk on her maiden voyage that fateful April night? [195] He gathered together five of the lifeboats and transferred the occupants between them to free up space in No. She and the earlier RMSOlympic were almost one and a half times the gross register tonnage of Cunard's RMSLusitania and RMSMauretania, the previous record holders, and were nearly 100 feet (30m) longer. "[204] Captain Arthur Rostron of Carpathia saw ice all around, including 20large bergs measuring up to 200 feet (61m) high and numerous smaller bergs, as well as ice floes and debris from Titanic. The whole operation took about three-quarters of an hour. They were all on Carpathia by 09:00. And then we have the Olympic and the Titanic. Colonel Archibald Gracie, one of the survivors of the disaster, later wrote that "the sea was like glass, so smooth that the stars were clearly reflected. My a** would sit and watch documentaries for hours and hours and hours. [88], Captain Smith was an experienced seaman who had served for 40years at sea, including 27years in command. "[25] This message, too, never left the Titanic's radio room. [46] Several sources contend they remained at their posts until the very end, thus ensuring that Titanic's electrics functioned until the final minutes of the sinking, and died in the bowels of the ship. "[228], The disaster led to major changes in maritime regulations to implement new safety measures, such as ensuring that more lifeboats were provided, that lifeboat drills were properly carried out and that radio equipment on passenger ships was manned around the clock. During World War I, she would have [60], Titanic's lower decks were divided into sixteen compartments. 1,036 people were able to survive the sinking. [136], The last boat to be launched was collapsible D, which left at 02:05 with 25people aboard;[138] two more men jumped on the boat as it was being lowered. [71] This gave many of those aboard a false sense of hope that the ship might stay afloat long enough for them to be rescued. [244] The only first-class child to perish was Loraine Allison, aged two. For 105 years, many had believed that the RMS Titanic sank while on its voyage from Southampton to New York, but new findings suggest that was not the case. Informed of the situation, he summoned Thomas Andrews, Titanic's builder, who was among a party of engineers from Harland and Wolff observing the ship's first passenger voyage. He also rang "full astern" on the ship's telegraphs. [75], Around 00:15, the stewards began ordering the passengers to put on their lifebelts,[77] though again, many passengers took the order as a joke. [81] Two were stored under the wooden boats and the other two were lashed atop the officers' quarters. WebThe RMS Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean, five days into her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City.The largest [83] Thomas E. Bonsall, a historian of the disaster, has commented that the evacuation was so badly organised that "even if they had the number [of] lifeboats they needed, it is impossible to see how they could have launched them" given the lack of time and poor leadership. Water was spilling over into No. Throughout James Camerons film, many characters voice the myth of the Titanic s unsinkability out loud. The exact time is unknown, but the musicians later moved to the boat deck level where they played before moving outside onto the deck itself. We've received your submission. Unable to turn quickly enough, the ship suffered a glancing blow that buckled her starboard side and opened six of her sixteen compartments to the sea. The sinking of the Titanic after hitting an iceberg is unequivocally a true story. [157], Archibald Gracie was also heading aft, but as he made his way towards the stern he found his path blocked by "a mass of humanity several lines deep, covering the boat deck, facing us"[158] hundreds of steerage passengers, who had finally made it to the deck just as the last lifeboats departed. [145] The ship's designer, Thomas Andrews, was reportedly last seen in the first-class smoking room after approximately 02:05, apparently making no attempt to escape. A trickle of women, couples and single men were persuaded to board starboard lifeboat No. [179] The streamlined bow section continued to descend at about the angle it had taken on the surface, striking the seabed prow-first at a shallow angle[180] at an estimated speed of 2530mph (4048km/h). [206] The last lifeboat to reach the ship was Lightoller's boat No. [18][19] The weather improved significantly during the course of the day, from brisk winds and moderate seas in the morning to a crystal-clear calm by evening, as the ship's path took her beneath an arctic high-pressure system.[20]. Convenient., Also every single time they advertise the Titanic, they use the Olympics pictures. Unsure what the rockets meant, he called Captain Lord, who was resting in the chartroom, and reported the sighting. Others made their way through open gates or climbed emergency ladders.[127]. Everyone seems to agree on one fact: a ship really did sink in the icy waters of the North Atlantic on April 15, 1912, and approximately 1,500 passengers aboard that ship died. The engine rooms and boiler rooms on the tank top deck had vertically closing doors that could be controlled remotely from the bridge, lowered automatically by a float if water was present, or closed manually by the crew. Titanic would have lasted just as long as her sister ship Olympic from 1912, as a great luxurious liner til the building of the liner Queen Ma [75] Some set about playing an impromptu game of association football with the ice chunks that were now strewn across the foredeck. [72], At 00:05 on 15 April, Captain Smith ordered the ship's lifeboats uncovered and the passengers mustered. She was one of only four women in first class to perish in the sinking. It is only a matter of form to have women and children first. They were caught by the rising water somewhere on D deck.[107]. And just like the Olympic no one would care that much. "[99] Some passengers refused flatly to embark. The footage was taken 37 years ago, but only just released to the public. [125] This segregation was not simply for social reasons, but was a requirement of United States immigration laws, which mandated that third-class passengers be segregated to control immigration and to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Some experts now believe that this haze was actually a mirage caused by cold waters meeting warm air similar to a water mirage in the desert when Titanic entered Iceberg Alley. The Wild Conspiracy That the Titanic Never Sank The idea is pretty simple. Unfortunately, the only effective means of regulation change is a tragic loss of life. Mia then describes some notable people who decided last-minute not to get on the Titanic, including J.P. Morgan the prominent banker, and who was ironically the owner of the White Star Line. Boat No. [69] When the passageway was fully flooded, the list corrected itself but the ship later began to list to port by up to ten degrees as that side also flooded asymmetrically. No.. Of the pets brought aboard, three survived the sinking.[246]. 6, on the port side, was the next to be lowered at 00:55. Lastly, her argument supporting the theory fell to the two boats that were nearby the SS Californian, which is thought to have been the only ship to see the Titanic, or at least its rocket but took no action to assist. It was like standing under a steel railway bridge while an express train passes overhead mingled with the noise of a pressed steel factory and wholesale breakage of china. April 14, 1912, at 11:40 p.m. (ships time), the crew spotted an iceberg and alerted the bridge. The answer may disappoint you. [151] The claim surfaced among the earliest reports of the sinking,[152] and the hymn became so closely associated with the Titanic disaster that its opening bars were carved on the grave monument of Titanic's bandmaster, Wallace Hartley, one of those who perished. [165] It closely missed Lightoller and created a wave that washed the boat 50 yards clear of the sinking ship. WebLet's say that in an alternate universe, the titanic never sank. Olympic collided with the British Cruise H.M.S. 3 had 32 aboard, No. [118] At 23:30, 10minutes before Titanic hit the iceberg, Californian's sole radio operator, Cyril Evans, shut his set down for the night and went to bed. WebYou probably know the story of the great irony of the Titanic. They look identical, Mia continues in the video. What is the Epilogue about? [42], The impact with the iceberg was long thought to have produced a huge opening in Titanic's hull, "not less than 300 feet (91m) in length, 10 feet (3m) above the level of the keel", as one writer later put it. No. On the morning of Nov. 21, 1916, it sank, claiming the lives of 30. They could be closed at the door itself or from the deck above. The sinking of the Titanic after hitting an iceberg is unequivocally a true story. First Officer Willaim Murdoch ordered the ship to be steered around the iceberg and the engines to be stopped, but there wasnt enough time. If the RMS Titanic didnt sink in 1912, it would have been amazing for White Star Lines. In 1912, by Harland & Wolff and the design by Thomas Andre And you can see where it was hit., Replying to @bamastidealwaysrolls im not saying anything for sure, but like i am #titanic. [193], After about twenty minutes, the cries began to fade as the swimmers lapsed into unconsciousness and death. Titanic had been designed to accommodate up to 68lifeboats[84] enough for everyone on board and the price of an extra 32lifeboats would only have been some US$16,000 (equivalent to $449,000 in 2021),[5] a tiny fraction of the $7.5million that the company had spent on Titanic. [163] The forward funnel collapsed under its own weight, crushing several people, including Charles Duane Williams,[164] as it fell into the water and only narrowly missing the lifeboat. Some of the gates were locked and guarded by crew members, apparently to prevent the steerage passengers from rushing the lifeboats. The largest ocean liner in service at the time, Titanic had an estimated 2,224 people on board when she struck an iceberg at around 23:40 (ship's time) [a] on Sunday, 14 April 1912. He heard me and nodded reply. This was only about half of her full passenger capacity of 2,435,[11] as it was the low season and shipping from the UK had been disrupted by a coal miners' strike. 250 followers. [232] On 1 September 1985, a joint US-French expedition led by Robert Ballard found the wreck of Titanic,[233] and the ship's rediscovery led to an explosion of interest in Titanic's story. The evidence behind these theories is compelling and may lead you to doubt everything you thought you knew. WebInstitute Releases Never-Before-Seen Footage Of The Titanic Shipwreck. [136] While it was still at deck level, Lightoller had found the boat occupied by men who, he wrote later, "weren't British, nor of the English-speaking race [but of] the broad category known to sailors as 'dagoes'. Some still clung to the hope that the worst would not happen: when Eloise Hughes Smith pleaded whether Lucian, her husband of two months, could go with her, Captain Smith ignored her, shouting again through his megaphone the message of women and children first. He wrote: Hundreds were in a circle [in the third-class dining saloon] with a preacher in the middle, praying, crying, asking God and Mary to help them. 1514 lives were lost, and a This would have resulted in a raised horizon, blinding the lookouts from spotting anything far away. First of all, if Titanic hadnt sunk, the White Star Line would have had a fantastic 3 ship weekly Southampton-New York service two ships of which, [40], In the event, Titanic's heading changed just in time to avoid a head-on collision, but the change in direction caused the ship to strike the iceberg with a glancing blow. [181], In the immediate aftermath of the sinking, hundreds of passengers and crew were left dying in the icy sea, surrounded by debris from the ship. By now, many passengers were awaking, having noticed the engines and their accompanying vibrations had suddenly stopped. 16 was lowered five minutes later. Lead Fireman Frederick Barrett testified that the stop light came on, but that even that order was not executed before the collision. No one could believe that the great ship was sunk by a little sliver. 14. Lightoller lowered lifeboats with empty seats if there were no women and children waiting to board, while Murdoch allowed a limited number of men to board if all the nearby women and children had embarked. [125], A long and winding route had to be taken to reach topside; the steerage-class accommodation, located on C through G decks, was at the extreme ends of the decks, and so was the farthest away from the lifeboats. Lists had been posted on the ship assigning crew members to specific lifeboat stations, but few appeared to have read them or to have known what they were supposed to do. The air temperature had fallen to near freezing, and the ocean was completely calm. [116] Another to respond was SS Mount Temple, which set a course and headed for Titanic's position but was stopped en route by pack ice. This was far too much for Titanic's ballast and bilge pumps to handle; the total pumping capacity of all the pumps combined was only 1,700 long tons (1,700t) per hour. [87] The White Star Line desired the ship to have a wide promenade deck with uninterrupted views of the sea, which would have been obstructed by a continuous row of lifeboats. [205], As the lifeboats were brought alongside Carpathia, the survivors came aboard the ship by various means. The disaster shocked the world and caused widespread outrage over the lack of lifeboats, lax regulations, and the unequal treatment of third-class passengers during the evacuation. https://oceanlinerdesigns.com/titanic-alternateIn April 1912 the RMS Titanic sank on its maiden voyage - but what if it didn't? From this point, the bow was able to pull down the stern, until the double bottom failed and both segments of the ship finally separated. [68] The flooding did not proceed at a constant pace, nor was it distributed evenly throughout the ship, due to the configuration of the flooded compartments. Yet the luminaries who were supposedly [191] Several other swimmers (probably 20 or more) reached Collapsible boat A, which was upright but partly flooded, as its sides had not been properly raised. Several witnesses support this account, including A. H. Barkworth, a first-class passenger, who testified: "I do not wish to detract from the bravery of anybody, but I might mention that when I first came on deck the band was playing a waltz. [22] This too was acknowledged by Smith, who showed the report to J. Bruce Ismay, the chairman of the White Star Line, aboard Titanic for her maiden voyage. Distress flares were fired every few minutes to attract the attention of any ships nearby and the radio operators repeatedly sent the distress signal CQD. Her sinking two At 13:42, RMSBaltic relayed a report from the Greek ship Athenia that she had been "passing icebergs and large quantities of field ice". Had Murdoch turned the ship while maintaining her forward speed, Titanic might have missed the iceberg with feet to spare. Its occupants had to sit for hours in a foot of freezing water,[143] and many died of hypothermia during the night. [117], Much nearer was SSCalifornian, which had warned Titanic of ice a few hours earlier. [75], The thoroughness of the muster was heavily dependent on the class of the passengers; the first-class stewards were in charge of only a few cabins, while those responsible for the second- and third-class passengers had to manage large numbers of people. [143][144] Alternatively, Smith may have jumped overboard from the bridge as the ship sank. [91], Fourth Officer Joseph Boxhall was told by Smith at around 00:25 that the ship would sink,[92] while Quartermaster George Rowe was so unaware of the emergency that after the evacuation had started, he phoned the bridge from his watch station to ask why he had just seen a lifeboat go past. [75] The collapsibles were stored upside down with the sides folded in, and would have to be erected and moved to the davits for launching. , never left the Titanic that sank 's lower decks were divided into sixteen compartments ), cries. Open to create narrow gaps through which water flooded will be saved maiden -! Will be saved boat 50 yards clear of the pets brought aboard, three survived sinking! Children first boat no Lightoller 's boat no men were persuaded to board starboard no. Unsinkability out loud just released to the bridge the deck above wave that washed the 50. Being `` awakened by a little sliver up space in no was resting in the sinking. [ 107.. 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