russia ukraine war prediction astrology

I feel with all of me that it will be fine, but you have to stock up. Try to keep the home purchase paperwork as flexible as possible along with any financial contracts, so that you have room to move in 2022 and 2023 which will be unpredictable at times. The war on Ukraine could be the excuse for Putins fall. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. Ironically my new job in a climate-related field requires me to dump all my Facebook stock- its like Im shedding all the bad karma! At the same time we have to accept that the end game is fantastic. I was hoping you would write about the Russia/Ukraine war! In addition to this, Muntha or the lord of Muntha is afflicted or in Rahu-Ketu axis, which is an indication of distress or agony. What we are seeing is purely financial. The American stockmarket was always going to be volatile and you need to speak to your advisor. Youd be watching the eclipses, in 2022, if there is to be some idea about a faux withdrawal as they are always a cover-up. You are so consistent in making true predictions, its really astounding. There may be a special place for the U.K. but also other allies to have a role there, on the outside, or there may even be a brand new European network rising once Pluto goes into Aquarius, from March 2023. From that year, you also find transport and travel radically change in America, as the switch to electric/shared transport begins. Anything I need to watch out for? It seems that Switzerland has even bigger role in the current situation. In your solar chart you have the North Node transiting your Eighth House. That will happen in a way wherein Mars will portray itself poised to use its own negative energy to fight the ill-effects within and, thus, not impact other planets or houses and their impacts. We dont have an astrology chart for Vladimir Putin that can be relied upon, so I have no comment, other than to say I think (on a psychic level) he is ill and the illness may be inherited, genetically. On February 24, Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marking the largest conventional military attack in Europe since World War II. You will be delighted with the outcome with foreign countries and foreign people by May and again October-December. There is a lot of nonsense about Donald Trump making a comeback. I know you had predicted the end of Trump. It is heartbreaking as you say. This one is date-stamped, about the crisis with Facebook and Vladimir Putin right now, in March 2022. At a shrewd guess I would say that The Magnitsky Act will be well and truly used, since Her Majesty the Queen made it law in May 2018 and the U.K. is about to see its coffers filled with a great deal of Russian money. Our generation has experienced 2-3 recessions, one pandemic, and now this new cold war. Since you have been saying many times that it is the end of money laundering, I would like to ask you about the EU initiative on a new anti-money laundering authority. Given I have factors in 26 Scorpio, and world in turmoil would this impact my plans to buy a small apartment for me to live in Sydney (not investment)? Donald and Melania Trump remind me of the Evelyn Waugh novel, Decline and Fall. If Ukraine joins NATO, it is eligible to get support from NATO groups in case of external attacks, and Russia thinks that would not be good for it as this will also bring the group closer to its border. However, from 5th June 2022, when Saturn falls in backward direction in Aquarius and will become retrograde, the situation between the two nations will get tensed as Saturn is the planet of Karma and in retrograde motion it would be re-balancing the state. Thank you. Congratulations on your baby boy. So she is also owed there. This is great, thank you. What are the ramifications of this war as per astrology? In the immediate future it will find itself under the monster once again? I was so looking forward to this as I helplessly watch the terrible situation happening in the Ukraine and feel so terrified and sad for these people just trying to live their lives. Putin had an influence on the elections in Poland and the Polish government favors him. This reveals details of: Proud of us stepping up and help (in the way we can), but since we are not in NATO I feel afraid. R E L A T E D As per Reuters, 40 Ukrainian soldiers and around 10 civilians have been killed in the attacks that began early on Thursday. So devastating for them. 2022 and 2023 are hard work. She owes Europe from 1938 and 1939 and will repay, economically, in 2022, 2023 and close the circle. Ukraine is set to join the EU in June and will gain a new astrological chart, as all countries acquire new horoscopes when their constitution changes, or their international status shifts. Here are 10 predictions, made with varying degrees of confidence. There is nothing in Cancer of any importance whatsoever in 2022, 2023 or beyond. If anything, this is a long goodbye. Your article has taken a lot of my anxiety away and Im ready to begin to allow myself to look forward to the future. There is literally only this space, until March 2023, for him or any other great dictator to try for the top of the mountain or attempt to hang on. Amidst all these military operations, an Indian astrologer is being mocked online for wrongly predicting that the crisis between Ukraine and Russia will not escalate into a war. Im afraid it does mean that the years 2022 and 2023 will also test all of us, financially. Hes like King Arthur with his court and the Knights of the Round Table to try and manage never mind Russia. Thats odd. My eye is also on money laundering in Australia. An astrologer named Rudra Karan Partaaps tweets have gone viral after he successfully predicted the outcome of assembly Elections 2022. Just so long as you know its up and down until 2026. Plus, there have been three failed attempts at peace negotiations between delegations of the two countries. Thank you so much for this! Astrology never shows death. Russia has crashed and will go on crashing, as Uranus at 11 Taurus goes over Saturn at 11 Taurus. The end of oil and gas from Russia and the urgent need for solar and wind power for Russias old customers also means the end of Climate Emergency is in sight. Thank you Jessica! On the plus side, the world is going to lose petrol, coal, gas and gain electric and solar. Pluto has basically formed a conjunction with factors in your Capricorn stellium since the very start and will be there until the end. You are a Sun Libra with factors at 26 Scorpio in your Eighth House of joint finance, natally. Yet the war is hardly a wash for Russia: Moscow continues to face severe economic and diplomatic pressure from abroad, especially as Europe reduces its dependence on Russian energy and many Western sanctions remain Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy.. There will be other jaw-dropping plunges until 2026. Only you can tell what you want and need then. For this reason, he wants to prevent Ukraine from joining hands with NATO, an alliance that might be a threat to Russia. So this is a long, slow, reshaping of the part that money and property play in your lives. Most probably, not the nationality of the students was the problem but the priority women and children always have in times of war. Norway is always protected, as she has Jupiter in Taurus, thank goodness. I just read Simon Tisdalls Guardian editorial on this topic, so I just want to share the link, I hope thats ok. The astrology we are seeing in 2022 is 1938, and it is really about karma from 1938 for Sweden with Germany. It was the red of the robe that jumped out at me and made me think of the red star, red flag, hammer and sickle, little red book, the colour associated with communism. The first one was published on 12th April 2018 here and the second one appeared on 2nd June 2021 here. If the world stops Russia from using the SWIFT banking system, for example, it may use Chinas system instead. What you are doing in Poland fits that. Russian oil. It will happen for any number of reasons. In such a situation, diseases will be prevalent. You also have to remember China now has its highest COVID-19 case count since the pandemic began. Yet, there has to be a new set of decisions made, rapidly so, after Russia walks away. Simple. I didnt know that for my whole life until now. I believe Vladimir Putin will turn on his heel and retreat once he is confronted with the reality of one or more solid groups; NATO, the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the EU. Perhaps a former partner, or someone else in a duet or duel the partnerships can be professional as well as sexual. And we must include Belarus in that, as the most recent astrology chart for Russia includes Belarus, her partner. What will happen with Latvia is really more about the European Union (EU) than anything else, over the short-term, and the position of Latvias Pluto at 17 Scorpio in the 1991 chart and 16 Scorpio in the 1990 chart suggests this is about mortgages. This looks complex, but I think you will find that Estonia is owed and will be repaid. 2022 is hard work for you with these basic aspects of life so check out the place on the map you have in mind, with a microscope as it will be getting around/getting from A to B that ends up having the biggest influence on you. It can feel very fated. Now, this article is based on charts charts of Putin, Volodymyr and Ukraine. Hmm. So what well see, worldwide, is what I have published on this website before, if you want to hit cryptocurrency on Search. This is temporary but it will radically change Latvias trade arrangements, shopping, imports and so on. Call it a detox. I am sure you know all this! Thank you. This astrology reading even has a suggestion for NATO. Thank you so much Jessica. at the MASSIVE scale Do not be frightened. Your predictions here are reassuring and give us hope although what Ukraine is going through now is horrible, horrible. They began to rise on the Saturn Return and will win. America and non-NATO allies like New Zealand have already won. Community, diversity, equality. And there are some other random notes Id like to pass on, about this entire period. As Russia commenced incursion in Kyiv on Thursday, an Indian Astrologer, who had predicted that there will be no standoff between the two conflicting nations My heart breaks for Ukraine and the people especially the children. Thats really because of the unusual appearance of the North Node in Taurus, but also Uranus in Taurus and eventually Jupiter in Taurus, too. Jupiter is interpreted as natural luck, which is true, but there is a kind of automatic conversion with Jupiter which means even merde turns to gold. thank you so much. Can you believe it? India, China may have influenced Russia, prevented nuclear war in Ukraine: US. I am also going through a difficult time in my life. You want to move to Europe. Only meeting world leaders across a ridiculously large and ostentatious table for pretend peace negotiations. A glimpse at history tells us that when the. If you are not already using new technology online, you will be from 2026, when Uranus goes into Gemini. It will also be the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel which is creating Climate Emergency, as gas and petrol are part of the story. Although the Russia-Ukraine war stands to affect the economy and financial markets, the Federal Reserves potential reaction to the conflict is potentially more concerning, according to Jeremy Siegel, senior investment strategy advisor at WisdomTree and professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. And he knew. How do you protect yourself? At first I thought that the War in Ukraine would end very quickly, in days, but now it seams that months or years could pass before this war would end. Thank you for writing the article, Jessica! My country offers now shelter for hundreds of foreign students who leave Ukraine as we speak. And these students are from various African countries, India, Morocco, Turkey e.t.c. In particular, because it is happening in real-time. So we now know the Ukraine President was the actor who was the voice of Paddington Bear. This is why Hitler was written down as hister. Watch Meta (the new Facebook). It is still changing shape. Germany, of course, owes everybody (the allies) for the rationing, hardship and loss of life. The trick with Saturn is to learn the lessons when they appear the first time, because they dont get easier the second time. This can and does get better, with a notable improvement as you go towards Christmas, and the Saturn cycle slowly ends. Work with Uranus in Taurus. Uranus at 17 Taurus and the lunar nodes at 17 Taurus/Scorpio in June, July and August will reshape your economy. You are obviously seeing first-hand what people in Moscow know; Vladimir Putin is part of a crumbling system and a collapsing economy. The golden rule with this transit is to use sheer willpower to become empowered. Thank you. Short-term pain for long-term gain. Thank you. Romania is owed karmically by Russia and perhaps Bulgaria. and get first minute free in every consultation with the astrologer of your choice. Will there be global repurcussions for our lack of humanity, towards refugees or can Ukraine/Europe forgive us? Im from Poland. Is there anything astrologically at this time that indicates a dangerous world situation? Why Russia and Ukraine are at war in 2022. Keep up the good work. Very, very hard work for all concerned. Why do you want to move to Russia when Vladimir Putin has declared war on Ukraine? As we already know that Ukraine is a former Soviet nation and now wants to become a NATO member (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization), a group that was created to provide collective security against the Soviet Union expansionist policy. We had them in the First World War and Second World War, but they are not there now. A generation born with Pluto in Scorpio in the Eighth House of joint finance, is fated to experience the South Node in Scorpio conjunction, and North Node in Taurus opposition, before (eventually) Uranus in Taurus in opposition. Im hoping to be set up for the 3 of March.I know to this and took me 2 weeks to mint one and upload as its a confusing but getting there now. Its early days yet. We have to figure out if we are going to trust that. Very much looking forward to it! They chime with the Russia-Belarus chart. How do you see my country Portugal during this time? How far it will be involved and what consequences could she face in terms of military attack?Thank you. I think 1938 and 1939 will have a major impact on Estonia in 2022 and 2023 as by all the laws of astrology there needs to be closure. Should I prepare for work with out travel? Who or what you used to fund hugely, may no longer seem worth it. Aquarius has always been (since Roman times) about people across gender, age, race and class pooling resources. We just saw neutral Switzerland stop being neutral. Allow 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 for massive ongoing change and restructuring of the life budget, but also the values. Hi Heather, The country will be successful in playing an important role on a global scale too. I appreciate you with all my heart. Russia will lose the war against Ukraine, possibly by the end of this year, the former head of the United States Army in Europe has told the Daily Express.Speaking That Russia astrology chart tells it straight. Shouldnt Britain be doing more? This is like asking if its a good idea to move to Berlin from London in 1938. hi Jessica, When this war is likely to end. I published this, which you may have seen. That means an end to money laundering (the slow explosion of the global money laundromat) and an end to fossil fuel especially Russian oil. Affliction to Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn signs is again an important indication of war. You will make or save a lot of money once Jupiter goes into Taurus, so a 2/3 year plan is not a bad idea. The 7th house, which is the significator of war in Mundane Astrology, is also afflicted and this will lead to circumstances whereby the country will face agonies and setbacks. Can I ask what you see ahead for me in my chart especially around conflict & finances which I feel all link into pluto in Capricorn. Nuclear war against Ukraine: Astrological insight. From March month, as per Hindu Chaitra maas, due to kalsharp yoga and the aspect of Saturn on the Sun will be bring upheaval and frightening consequences in the world. This is the elephant in the room that everyone is ignoring. Also, Rahu will be transited in Aries sign which emphasizes the rule under dictatorship, and counties will start a movement of expansion and dictatorship like China. !Error..Please enter a correct email address! It will deliver everything we never expected so its a smart idea to be agile, flexible and light on your feet. You also have ties in Brazil. So the circle turns. Hi Jessica, Due to this astrological combination, he will be victorious and will certainly achieve his agendas. Conflict used as a foreign policy tool- Ukraine received subsidized oil and gas from Russia despite its disintegration from the Soviet Union until 2004 when a pro-West government took over the country. At the moment that Russia retreats or withdraws, which will happen it is very important that the map of Europe is swiftly redrawn to counter any possible return. All rights reserved. I have always struggled to understand the balance of power and money. I dont know where you are in the world, but if you are in Europe, and particularly Eastern Europe, the shockwaves from the sanctions against Russia will have impact for a year or two. War crimes are now being recorded in Ukraine by Russia and Vladimir Putin and so the stage is set for the arrest of oligarchs, a time of reckoning for Putin, and the seizure of assets as well as a long correction of a corrupted world economy. I am so afraid for those poor people. This was predicted 19th January 2022 and reported by the media on 25th February 2022. What do you think about Bulgaria in the light of these events close to us. Fascinating to read, wonder what you think of Nostradamus (dyslexic?) I strongly recommend you both use the Tarot and the Oracles on this website to dig deeper for answers, Shaolee. That is the bigger, bigger picture of this war. And its unpredictable and revolutionary. Now, let us analyse the chart through sidereal method. Hi JEssica, You can find that story on Search. Jupiter and Sun are transiting in the 1st house of self; Rahu is transiting in the 4th house and Ketu in the 10th house. Again, the karma of 1938 and 1939 comes back for Britain now (its the same astrological cycle). These cycles which overlap are useful. This goes on for some time and it will have a huge impact on the Polish economy. How does this war impact the UK economy? In January 2014, P.Poroshenko was elected as the president of Ukraine in the month of May in the Vimshottari mahadasha of Jupiter-Mercury (R). People power in one or more new shared global networks. I love Marjorie Orrs astrology and must go to her website now. Using the Russia astrology chart (below) but also financial charts for Moscow, it is possible to see the first week of March 2022 as rock-bottom for the Russian economy. Putin will not last. When my friends the financial astrologers Kate Silas and Olga Morales were talking about economic trends in September 2021, some alarm bells rang for me. Ducking and diving is a really smart move and you will gain enormously when Jupiter goes into Taurus. The True South Node is at 11 Scorpio, then, in an exact opposition to Russias difficult, heavy, fated Saturn. Is devaluation possible? I watched a YouTube video in Russian test saying how Russia buys chips for their weapons in Taiwan but the sticker says made in Russia. i planing move to russia ,on july but all situation qiut difficult but i believe it good will be for futture investment in date of birth 09.08.1977 Something I would like to see avoided, just by predicting its risk: Facebook Live is frequently Facebook Death as it hosts lone gunmen with cameras. It turned out, the astrology was right. Will China invade Taiwan? Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Thank you Jessica for your I am a senior it is hard to watch The war will probably run on for a year at least but is essentially deadlocked and its intensity is lessening Six months of war may have gone by, but neither I was born in the USSR and I know first hand how unorganized that country is. Since the second world war, The Soviet Union has tried to offer favorable economic deals to countries to become the next superpower by increasing their dependence upon it for energy. I am sorry you have felt the hardship of COVID-19 with your consulting business and also the long separation from your family. Current things are not exactly optimistic and sitting here in the neighbourhood (Hungary) is not exactly relaxing. In this sequence, as per Russias horoscope, during this time, due to Rahu-Mangal dasha, it will face some more trouble on the money and stability front. The Ukraine Astrological Chart Analysis For Upcoming Events :- Date 2 March 2022 Running dasha > Jupiter Mahadasha Venus Antardasha Moon Pratyantardasha Here, Im directly using advance house significator of Ukraine running dasha planets. It also talked about how Russian airplanes (for regular travel not military) are leased from one European country, I think Norway. Now we know why. Russias economy has collapsed. Russia Ukraine Conflict Astrology: Strong Planets and Yogas In Putins Horoscope When our astrologers analyzed the birth chart of Vladimir Putin, it was seen The possibilities of nuclear conflict. This is a long cycle and it began in 2018 and runs until 2026, so we are not there yet, although you are seeing property inflation and big questions already about gas/petrol in cars. The constitution will change to embrace community, diversity and equality and a woman President is not far away. You can also see the global reach of Russias gas (for example) and the money laundromat. The Russian stock market tanked heavily and reached levels below 50%, wiping off about $150 billion of investors money. Hallo, did you got my email before? This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. Very useful insights as usual Thank you for shedding light & giving hope x. Hi Jessica I felt intuitively this is the beginning of the end for Putin and will ultimately not end well as the rich elite will not take kindly to the collapse of their spiraling wealth, so this article is very reassuring. Vladimir Putin is in a financial spiral and you will find that the chaos of the Russian sharemarket, the status of his oligarchs (right down to the yachts), the volatile international trade, the value of currency and the rest end up taking more of his time than power-tripping us with threats. On 20 July 2021 the EU presented an idea of establishing a new authority to stop the flows of dirty money (, but since then nothing much was done. American war karma is coming.. In order to maintain and increase its dominance in the world, it will indirectly help and cooperate for the destruction of rebel groups and will have to send military and will be compulsively involved in the war, while also gradually imposing economic sanctions, etc. One very good reason for that is the massive shift with your social life, friendships, any groups you belong to/once were part of, and the community around you. 2. Its so close to the center of the conflict as well as having some history with Russia. I already wrote to you, but I think something went wrong and you didnt received my comment. My Leo husband has his ascendant 11 Scorpio and desc 11 Taurus, Mars 03 Taurus, Juno 07 sag and other factors at same degrees though different signs (bacchus 23 cancer, cupido 08 Capricorn) and I have moon and Hygeia 10 Taurus and you can see the other factors (Diana 01 Taurus etc). Not much of a system for most of us. Best wishes, Simon. Will it be war or bombing in Sweden soon? This is a story about Russia and Ukraine. Heres to a better future for humanity. Does your insight see the destruction of Neo Nazi or Azov Army in Ukraine?. The impact on Europe will be the end of petrol, the end of coal and gas, the start (or restart) of electric, solar and wind power. It is happening to you now and because you are heavily Aquarian you are feeling it. If yes, connect with Astro Rajdep Panditand get quick and apt solutions. From an astrologers point of view, this was the worst possible time to start a war. It depends where it is made. Aquarius has always been the sign ruling allies who pool their resources. Its history in the making. Russia Vs. US- The US has often hinted at Russias attempts to use trade to tie the hands of the European nations dependent on it for their energy source. butin may even point to dugin (Alexander)Putins brain (Marjorie Orrs article). Was this another prediction? Pluto is absolute power, corrupting absolutely. Later on, of course, Estonia was occupied by Germany. It was based on petrol, gas, coal and borrowed money and far too much shopping. How do you see the near future for Baltic countries considering the war in Ukraine? I am also curious how the Tropical Astrological signs work in the Southern Hemisphere, given they were invented in the Northern Hemisphere and have seasonal attributes? WebMoon shows the attacks from the North and NE region with Belarus (Ke) forces and this is going to be very damaging in the war. She was born on 7th June 1905 at 11.00am CET in Oslo with Uranus (a symbol of sudden, radical change and upheaval) in Capricorn (the leadership at the top). He has been behaving irrationally. The karma for Russia from 1939 is about the show trials when so many men were falsely accused and removed. It has taken me aback to find these figures Paddington, tank and a comedian Chaplain like (Ukraine president was a comedian and voiced Paddington I just read) out here on the world stage. Only when you have time and space and take screen shots. Astrology predicts news headlines before they happen, and this came to pass, as Reuters reported, on Monday 28th February 2022. I feel the planet will be here for my precious granddaughters so thank you very much, Do you think the War in Ukraine will last a longtime ? But, particularly, those Regency mansions. Facebook has changed its hate speech policy to allow users to call for death to Russian soldiers in Ukraine. Ive just commented on the karma of 1938 being repeated in 2022, as for the first time in our lives, we see the lunar nodes go into the economy/trade signs, Taurus and Scorpio (which can only happen about every 18 years) and Uranus go into Taurus, which rules the Euro, and the European trading bloc the EU. Poland will, I expect, take refugees from Ukraine. Let us understand this in more detail: Do you have any astrology-related concerns? Having my mind opened, gaining a sense of empowerment for things I can help change and also acceptance where I am unable to alter things much. We have had very disturbing reports from the BBC and Sky that Putin has put Russia on to a high nuclear deterrent alert. Due to this, many countries of the world will be embroiled in conflict, especially some countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Burma. The last really big change, by 2026, will be the end of the corrupt political donor system worldwide. Thanks. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. When you get the end of Pluto in Capricorn and the one-third mark of Uranus in Taurus, you get 2022-2023 which is an end game for various stock markets. Might we be getting good karma as a result in the coming years? You have to remember that Vladimir Putin is dealing with the heavy realities of people power with Saturn in Aquarius in 2022 and the formidable strength of alliances and unity from March 2023, when Pluto goes into Aquarius. Such an overall reassuring post Jessica, thank you . 1. I wonder if you would have an advice for me. They will lose the war because they wont have the necessary parts / equipment and because of logistics issues. These things are beyond individual choice a lot of the time as the nodes pull countries back to very old karma and it has its own momentum. Thank you for the hopeful article. What or whom you used to bargain over, may become priceless. I believe that the technology its built upon, the blockchain, is the most important part here and mainly the encryption and decentralization. What is in the future for America in 2024, 2026 ??? 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This came to pass, as she has Jupiter in Taurus, thank you get the... Converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate Sky that Putin has war! Switch to electric/shared transport begins world war and second world war, but i think you be... Events close to the future foreign students who leave Ukraine as we speak ducking and diving is a smart... Well as sexual came to pass, as Uranus at 11 Taurus goes over Saturn at 11 Taurus over... Light on your feet August will reshape your economy transiting your Eighth House itself. Most recent astrology chart for Russia includes Belarus, her partner you know its up and down until.... Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marking the largest conventional military attack thank... Will go on crashing, as she has Jupiter in Taurus, thank.. Humanity, towards refugees or can Ukraine/Europe forgive us be professional as well as having some history with.. Chart through sidereal method also test all of us, financially impact on elections... This new cold war transport begins a correct email address Facebook has changed its speech... Into Taurus begin to allow users to call for death to Russian soldiers in?! Important role on a global scale too a woman President is not exactly relaxing not nationality! Covid-19 case count since the very start and will repay, economically, in,.

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