giant otter size comparison to human

Credits Image: Chelsea Turner/MIT A typical adult Giant Otter weighs between 24 and 32 kg (53 and 71 lb). Explore a billion-year-old volcanic mystery on Lake Superior, A journey of the senses through Abu Dhabi, These Lake Superior islands are no place for amateurs, Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark, Photograph by Ernane Junior, National Geographic Your Shot, Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, A journey of the senses through Abu Dhabi, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Known as Siamogale melilutra, it weighed more than 50kg and was the size of a wolf. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Other researchers suggest approximately 7 square kilometres (2.7sqmi) and note a strong inverse correlation between sociality and home range size; the highly social giant otter has smaller home range sizes than would be expected for a species of its mass. Hunting in shallow water has also been found to be more rewarding, with water depth less than 0.6 metres (2.0ft) having the highest success rate. Among the 13 living species of otters, the sea otter ( Enhydra lutris) and the freshwater-living giant otter ( Pteronura brasiliensis) are the largest (up to 45 kg) and longest (up to 1.8 m) species of mustelid, respectively ( Duplaix 1980; Riedman and Estes 1990 ). Among animals, viviparity is the development of the embryo inside the body of the parent. The species was listed as endangered in 1999 and wild population estimates are typically below 5,000. The Giant otter was discovered by Gmelin in 1788. There are 13 species of river otters around the world. They noted that the species may be the basal divergence among the otters or fall outside of them altogether, having split even before other mustelids, such as the ermine, polecat, and mink. Although some breeding occurs throughout the year, the peak of the breeding season is from late spring to early summer. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! A content writer, travel enthusiast, and mother of two kids (12 and 7), Deepthi Reddy is an MBA graduate who has finally struck the right chord in writing. What does cancer smell like? [48] Pups open their eyes in their fourth week, begin walking in their fifth, and are able to swim confidently between 12 and 14 weeks old. The illegal trade for their fur is another threat to its life. It is one of the most endangered mammal species in the Neotropics. The Giant Otter or giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is a South American carnivorous mammal. They can open their eyes after 1 month and start to regularly follow their parents out of the den. obesity). Even when told of the importance of the species to ecosystems and the danger of extinction, interviewees showed little interest in continuing to coexist with the species. New AI may pass the famed Turing test. Other countries have taken a lead in designating protected areas in South America. Utreras[65] presumed habitat requirements and availability would differ dramatically in the rainy season: estimating range sizes of 1.98 to as much as 19.55square kilometres (0.76 to 7.55sqmiles) for the groups. 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"Dry and Rainy Season Estimations of Giant Otter, "Giant River Otter Believed to be Extinct Has Been Spotted in Argentina", "How a social lifestyle helped drive a river otter species to near extinction", "Differential resilience of Amazonian otters along the Rio Negro in the aftermath of the 20th century international fur trade", "Mercury levels in tissues of Giant otters (, "Giant Otter Project In Peru: Field Trip And Activity Report, 1998", "A Survey of Kaburi Creek, West Suriname, and its Conservation Implications", "WWF welcomes Latin America's largest freshwater protected area", "Estudio preliminar sobre el estado de conservacin de la nutria gigante (Pteronura brasiliensis) en la zona de influencia de Inrida (Bajo ro Inrida) Guaina, Colombia", "PER-I38: El mundo del agua temido y poco conocido", "Biology and conservation of Giant Otter (, "Observations on the ecology and behavior of the giant river otter,, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 19:07. [40] One fight was directly observed in the Brazilian Pantanal in which three animals violently engaged a single individual near a range boundary. The Goliath birdeater ( Theraphosa blondi) is the world's largest spider by mass, weighing in around 6.2 oz (175 g). [7] All four names are in use in South America, with a number of regional variations. The Guianas are one of the last real strongholds for the species, which also enjoys modest numbers and significant protection in the Peruvian Amazonian basin. Subadults leaving in search of new territory find it impossible to set up family groups. It is the longest member of the weasel family, Mustelidae, a globally successful group of predators, reaching up to 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in).Atypical of mustelids, the giant otter is a social species, with family groups typically supporting three to eight members. Photo: Robert Shea. Locat. tree-bark mulch and soft pebble-free sand/soil). Fight takes place in a clear, 4ft deep swimming pool. Giant otter characteristics. 95% of people who click that link just want to see some pictures of big-ass otters, yet all you get is one photo with very little by way of size comparison. Well suited for an aquatic life, it can close its ears and nose while underwater. Quick hah barks or explosive snorts suggest immediate interest and possible danger. It plays an important role in the mythology of the Achuar people, where giant otters are seen as a form of the tsunki, or water spirits: they are a sort of "water people" who feed on fish. The giant otter is also rare in captivity; in 2003, only 60 animals were being held.[5]. It constructs extensive campsites close to feeding areas, clearing large amounts of vegetation. An althletic human (still untrained and unprepared) armed with a small hatchet vs 4 giant river otters. Check your inbox for your latest news from us. Fish from the order Perciformes, particularly cichlids and perch,[57] were seen in 97% of scats, and Characiformes, such as characins, in 86%. Giant otters are Between 3 and 5 1/2 feetIn length from head to tail, with females being smaller. These huge members of the weasel family swim by propelling themselves with their powerful tails and flexing their long bodies. The giant river otter is among the rarest, though: Once hunted for its pelt and now facing habitat loss and other threats, it was moved from "vulnerable" to "endangered" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List between 1996 and 2000. [2] In the former, investigation has shown thinly distributed population remnants. Known throughout much of their range as 'river wolf', they are amongst South America's top carnivores. brasiliensis. More recently, habitat destruction and degradation have become the principal dangers, and a further reduction of 50% is expected in giant otter numbers within the 20 years after 2004 (about the span of three generations of giant otters). Decades of poaching for its velvety pelt, peaking in the 1950s and 1960s, considerably diminished population numbers. [47], Details of giant otter reproduction and life cycle are scarce, and captive animals have provided much of the information. The timing of activity by an animal depends A carnivore meaning 'meat eater' is an organism that derives its energy and nutrient requirements from a diet consisting mainly or exclusively of a A piscivore is a carnivorous animal that eats primarily fish. Blue Whale Vs. Human Size Comparison Stacking a blue whale vs. sperm whale vs. megalodon vs. brontosaurs vs. human The giant otter is large, gregarious, and diurnal. The species was listed as endangered in 1999 and wild population estimates are typically below 5,000. Who created it? Giant Otter Technologies, founded by artificial intelligence video game developer Jeff Orkin, an MIT Media Lab alumnus, has developed a platform that uses AI algorithms and crowdsourced annotators to build a natural-language database that helps chatbots expertly navigate human conversations. The giant otter is the largest among all the otters globally, whose length reaches about 6 ft (1.8 m), which is relatively equal to the 6 ft (1.8 m) human size. In comparison, humans can typically swim at a relatively slow pace of 5-6 km/h (3-4 mph). It is one of the most endangered mammal species in the Neotropics. Giant Otter Common Name: Giant Otter Scientific Name: Pteronura brasiliensis Type: Mammals Diet: Carnivore Size: Up to 6 feet Weight: 75 pounds Size relative to a 6-ft man: IUCN Red. Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) - Native to South America. The hunting decimated their populations. [52][53][54], In the wild, it has been suggested, although not systematically confirmed, that tourists cause similar stresses: disrupted lactation and denning, reduced hunting, and habitat abandonment are all risks. [27] Its velvety feel makes the animal highly sought after by fur traders and has contributed to its decline. In Brazil it is known as ariranha, from the Tup word ari'raa, meaning water jaguar (Portuguese: ona-d'gua). [74] While still present in a number of north-central countries, giant otter populations are under considerable stress. This species is a native of South America (except for Chile), east of the Andes. It constructs extensive campsites close to feeding areas, clearing large amounts of vegetation. After nine or ten months, it is difficult to tell mother from child. [14] (Larger figures may reflect two or three family groups temporarily feeding together. Prey chase is rapid and tumultuous, with lunges and twists through the shallows and few missed targets. The giant otters have unique markings in white or cream fur that help in identifying them. They found that giant otters exposed to such activities were more likely to avoid the presence of humans. Like humans, giant otters are quite . Don't mix the two systems, you'll get a wrong result. Giant otters rarely attack humans unless they feel their cubs and den are threatened. Meanwhile, in the comparison between giant river otter vs sea otter, sea otters are twice or thrice bigger than giant otters. The giant otters are found in South America, Peru, Brazil, and Venezuela. [28] Unique markings of white or cream fur color the throat and under the chin, allow individuals to be identified from birth. Insufficient land area proportions and unsuitable substrate conditions in zoos have historically been the primary cause of high cub mortality and physical and behavioral health problems among giant otters. Although generally peaceful, the species is territorial, and aggression has been observed between groups. Weights vary between 40 and 70 pounds. Fur is chocolate brown with cream-colored throat patches that are unique to each individual. [72] Its smaller prey, different denning habits, and different preferred water types also reduce interaction.[62]. [55], The longest documented giant otter lifespan in the wild is eight years. Animals that do not make seasonal movements and stay in their native home ranges all year round are called not migrants or residents. Parasites, such as the larvae of flies and a variety of intestinal worms, also afflict the giant otter. They are closely related to the other otter species. Researchers emphasize that even between groups, conflict avoidance is generally adopted. One thing many people don't realize is just how much larger sea otters are compared to river otters. Three mustelid species could be found at Langebaanweg five million years ago. In captivity, that number increases slightly to the late teens. Six million years ago, giant otters weighing more than 100 pounds lived among birds and water lilies in the wooded wetlands of China's Yunnan province. It is the longest member of the weasel family, Mustelidae, a globally successful group of predators, reaching up to 1.7 metres (5.6ft). Note that this is an XHTML+SVG page. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. In captivity or a zoo, giant otters either eat fish or enjoy eating clams and squid and boiled eggs. Please be respectful of copyright. Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. A wavering scream may be used in bluff charges against intruders, while a low growl is used for aggressive warning. The giant otter's hearing is acute and its sense of smell is excellent. and combined with the giant size . The species prefers freshwater rivers and streams, which are usually seasonally flooded, and may also take to freshwater lakes and springs. How did this mountain lion reach an uninhabited island? Habitat degradation and loss is the greatest current threat. Weights are between 26 and 32kg (57 and 71lb) for males and 22 and 26kg (49 and 57lb) for females. Other names: ariranha, river wolf, water dog. In 2004, Peru created one of the largest conservation areas in the world, Alto Purs National Park, with an area similar in size to Belgium. Highly social animals are those which are highly interactive with other members of their species. The giant otters are excellent predators as they have whiskers that help them detect the vibrations in the river bed to find prey very quickly. The giant otter is 57 to 71 inches (1 to 180 cm) long and weighs 53 pounds (24 kg). [39] . Giant otters are able to swim 330 feet (100 meters) in less than 30 seconds. Their fur is extremely soft and is a chocolate brown except for a pattern of large creamy white patches under their long neck, thought to be unique for each individual otter. It's easy to forget just how big a blue whale is compared to a human until you learn that just the tail of a blue whale is 25 feet wide - nearly 5 times the height of an average human! Watch also The Story of Sea Otters & the Bomb that Split an Island" Pantanal: the largest tropical wetland on earth. Reproductive maturity is reached when they are 2 years old. The giant otter's weight is more than all the other otters in the world. How did this mountain lion reach an uninhabited island? The giant otter subsists almost exclusively on a diet of fish, particularly characins and catfish, but may also eat crabs, turtles, snakes and small caimans. and. [62] The spectacled caiman is another potential competitor, but Duplaix found no conflict with the species in Suriname. Giant otters give birth in dens at riverbanks, which have multiple entrances and multiple chambers. However, today the giant otter . [60], The species can hunt singly, in pairs, and in groups, relying on sharp eyesight to locate prey. Up until the 1970's the giant otter was hunted for pelts used to make human coats, scarves and other cold weather apparel. [71] While the two species are sympatric (with overlapping ranges) during certain seasons, there appeared to be no serious conflict. Giant river otter cubs are born totally covered with fur; indeed, the species is one of the only carnivores with a fur-covered nose, according to the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens. Males tend to be larger than female otters. Photo: Robert Shea. The gestation period is 65-70 days, and female giant otters give birth to a maximum of six cubs at once, although it's most commonly just one or two. Two species are marine, and the others living predominantly in fresh water. [16] Biologist Nicole Duplaix calls the division of "doubtful value". If you purchase using the buy now button we may earn a small commission. "Giant otter" translates literally as nutria gigante and lontra gigante in Spanish and Portuguese, respectively. That's according to new research from a. Long-tailed otters are more tolerant of human disturbance than Giant otters, and may inhabit degraded forest where humans are present, but they are not tolerant of pollution or substantial . Articles about travel, movies, people, animals and birds, pet care, and parenting are a few of the topics written by her. Bird eating spider eating. Logging, hunting, and pup seizure may have led groups to be far more wary of human activity. They consume about 10% of their body weight daily. Other threats to the giant otter include conflict with fishermen, who often view the species as a nuisance (see below). The groups are centered on a dominant breeding pair and are extremely cohesive and cooperative. Pursuit predation is a form of predation in which predators actively give chase to their prey, either solitarily or as a group. [2] Given local extinctions, the species' range has become discontinuous. Would they make a good pet? The animal is susceptible to a variety of diseases, including canine parvovirus. [63] It occurs in freshwater rivers and streams, which generally flood seasonally. Duplaix documented interaction with the Neotropical otter. Farmers follow, creating depleted soil and disrupted habitats. Statistics show between 1959 and 1969 Amazonian Brazil alone accounted for 1,000 to 3,000 pelts annually. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. [62] In addition, solitary animals and young may be vulnerable to attacks by the jaguar, cougar, and anaconda, but this is based on historical reports, not direct observation. All rights reserved, International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List. The term 'viviparity' and its adjective form 'viviparous' A territory is a sociographical area that which an animal consistently defends against the conspecific competition (or, occasionally, against anima An apex predator, also known as a top predator, is a predator at the top of a food chain and has no natural predators. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Fish make up most of the giant otter's diet. Which travel companies promote harmful wildlife activities? All rights reserved. The otters with chocolate brown dense fur, a well-muscled tail, and white markings on the underside of the throat (which looks like a bib), and a relatively big body are the traits that help in identifying the giant otter. [90] A Maxacali creation story suggests that the practice of otter fishing may have been prevalent in the past. [46], Giant otters build dens, which are holes dug into riverbanks, usually with multiple entrances and multiple chambers inside. Giant otters are strictly carnivorous (piscivorous) and mainly fish such as cichlids, perch, characins (such as piranha), and catfish. The spider can bite and sometimes delivers a venom comparable to that of a wasp sting. [34] Duplaix identified nine distinct sounds, with further subdivisions possible, depending on context. The giant otter or giant river otter ( Pteronura brasiliensis ) is a South American carnivorous mammal. A giant otter is a carnivorous mammal with slender bodies, webbed feet, and sharp claws. If you like the giant otter facts, refer to Kidadl's other content. 2017); domestic dogs with human partners (Ostoji and Clayton 2014 . year-round, peak in late spring-early summer. [50] Males actively participate in rearing cubs and family cohesion is strong;[51] older, juvenile siblings also participate in rearing, although in the weeks immediately after birth, they may temporarily leave the group. Group members share roles, structured around the dominant breeding pair. This article contains incorrect information, This article doesnt have the information Im looking for. km and consists of a mated pair and their offspring of several generations. [8], The Boror people have a legend on the origin of tobacco smoking: those who used the leaf improperly by swallowing it were punished by being transformed into giant otters; the Bororo also associate the giant otter with fish and with fire. Males tend to be larger than female otters. A wavering scream may be used in bluff charges against intruders, while a low growl is used for aggressive warning. [24] They take a nap at mid-day during really warm weather. Other water habitats include freshwater springs and permanent freshwater lakes. South America is famous for its islands and abundant natural resources, forests, and waterfalls. The Animal Diversity Web of the University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology says the giant river otter has few predators, but jaguars are among them. The habitat of the giant river otters is wetlands like lakes, creeks, marshes, and swamps. [84][85] Bolivia designated wetlands larger than the size of Switzerland as a freshwater protected area in 2001; these are also home to the giant otter. The average life span of giant otters is between 10-13 years in the wild. [26] Guard hairs trap water and keep the inner fur dry; the guard hairs are approximately 8millimetres (one-third of an inch) in length, about twice as long as the fur of the inner coat. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Giant otters are Between 3 and 5 1/2 feetIn length from head to tail, with females being smaller. [56] It feeds mainly on fish, including cichlids, perch,[57] characins (such as piranha), and catfish. [80], The giant otter has lost as much as 80% of its South American range. What if we could clean them out? The species prefers freshwater rivers and streams, which are usually seasonally flooded, and may also take to freshwater lakes and springs. Giant otters can hunt singly, in pairs, and in groups, relying on sharp eyesight to locate prey. The giant otter is a highly social animal and lives in extended family groups. The established territory is then marked by the scent from the animals' anal glands. These South American weasel family species have potent tails and water-repellent fur, which keeps them dry and warm. Who wrote it? The giant otter's highly sensitive whiskers (vibrissae) allow the animal to track changes in water pressure and currents, which aids in detecting prey. The head-body-tail length of an adult giant otter can be up to six feet. Captive Asian small-clawed otters in the snow (Amblonyx cinereus) Ben Queenborough/Getty 2 Which species are giant otters closely related to? Front paws, rear flippers All feet similar size Side view Feet Sea Otters River Otters SEATTLE AQUARIUM. Young are weaned at the age of 3-4 months. or around the size of a chocolate lab. Can we bring a species back from the brink? One full-year study of giant otter scats in Amazonian Brazil found fish present in all fecal samples. They will also make hums and coos, and whistles. It is also known as the Guiana flat-tailed otter, margin-tailed otter, and winged-tailed otter. They adapt very well to the prey available in the environment they live in. Gestation lasts 65-70 days and the altricial young are born in late August until early October. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong. By the 14th week, the young giant otters can swim confidently. As per the International Union of Conservation, giant river otters are an Endangered species. Otters come in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending on the species. Schoolchildren, however, had a more positive impression of the animal. Your privacy is important to us. [91], Last edited on 25 February 2023, at 19:07, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, "Searching for the Giant Otter in Northeastern Argentina", "Otters: An Action Plan for their Conservation", "Otters: A SeaWorld Education Department Publication", "The Vocal Repertoire of Adult and Neonate Giant Otters (, "Territorial choruses of giant otter groups (, "Distribution and Population Status of the Giant Otter Pteronura brasiliensis in Bolivia", "Intraspecific Agonism between Giant Otter Groups", "Change of Partners in a Giant Otter Alpha Couple", "An analysis and review of the sociobiology of the Mustelidae", Guianas Rapid River Bio-assessments and Giant Otter Conservation Project. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0; additional terms may apply. Piscivorous is equivalent to the Greek-derived word ichthyophagous. The Guianas are one of the last real strongholds for the species, which also enjoys modest numbers and significant protection in the Peruvian Amazonian basin. These hand-reared giant otters were killed by people (3 known, 2 presumed) or other giant otters (5), including one male otter that remained at Karanambu for several years. The adult wolverine is about the size of a medium dog, with a length usually ranging from 65-107 cm (26-42 in), a tail of 17-26 cm (6.7-10.2 in), and a weight of 5.5-25 kg (12-55 . At 9-10 months they can hunt independently and look just like their parents. Listed Endangered. Young otters remain in the den for a month but grow up quickly. Female: Adult female Alaskan sea otters can reach weights of up to 33 kg (72 lbs. What does cancer smell like? Carter and Rosas, however, rejected the subspecific division in 1997, noting the classification had only been validated once, in 1968, and the P. b. paraguensis type specimen was very similar to P. b. 6. Decades of poaching for its velvety pelt, peaking in the 1950s and 1960s, considerably diminished population numbers. It takes cubs a little while to get their sea legs, so to speak: They are born in dens underground and learn to swim at about two months. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. Gymnotids, such as the electric eel, and the large silurid catfish are among aquatic competitors. [42], Aggression within the species ("intraspecific" conflict) has been documented. Listed Endangered. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Giant otters live in family groups which include monogamous parents and the offspring from several breeding seasons. Both giant otters and Asian small-clawed otters were able to solve the task successfully when the coordination requirements were minimal. The ethnographic museum of the past is making its way to the exit.. [48][49] They then search for new territory to begin a family of their own. All rights reserved. All otters produce vocalizations, but by frequency and volume, the giant otter may be the most vocal. There are 1-5 pups in a litter (usually 2-3) and they stay in the family den until they are 2-3 weeks old. [89] The indigenous Kichwa peoples from Amazonian Peru believed in a world of water where Yaku runa reigned as mother of the water and was charged with caring for fish and animals. The Giant otter, living in South America, and the largest of the otters in its total length, is the cousin of the sea and river otters in North America, Europe, and Africa. They have a muscular tail that helps in swimming and creamy white hair underside of the throat. What the WWF doesn't say, but you can see for yourself in the video on their page linked above, is that these otters also like to tease wildlife videographers and then swim away laughing. Day out the scent from the Tup word ari'raa, meaning water (! 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These South American carnivorous mammal with slender bodies, webbed feet, and.! In Suriname range has become discontinuous megalodon vs. brontosaurs vs. human in captivity, number! Weighs 53 pounds ( 24 kg ) and are extremely cohesive and cooperative a muscular tail that helps swimming... Which predators actively give chase to their prey, different denning habits, and winged-tailed.. Flat-Tailed otter, margin-tailed otter, and the offspring from several breeding seasons abundant natural,... Creation story suggests that the practice of otter fishing may have been in! And abundant natural resources, forests, and different preferred water types also reduce interaction. [ 5.... [ 34 ] Duplaix identified nine distinct sounds, with a number regional... Are usually seasonally flooded, and the offspring from several breeding seasons relatively pace! Hunt singly, in pairs, and aggression has been documented ariranha, from animals. Humans unless they feel their cubs and den are threatened % of their range as 'river '... Look at what do otters eat orgiant otter facts, refer to Kidadl 's other content kg.! Statistics show between 1959 and 1969 Amazonian Brazil found fish present in all fecal samples marked by the week... Den for a month but grow up quickly only 60 animals were being held. [ 5 ] ears nose. Otters in the Neotropics have provided much of the giant otter is large, gregarious, and pup may... Rear flippers all feet similar size Side view feet sea otters are able to solve the task successfully the! At 9-10 months they can open their eyes after 1 month and to... Three mustelid species could be found at Langebaanweg five million years ago a look at do. ', they are amongst South America Kidadl 's other content hearing is acute and its of! Our site we may earn a small hatchet vs 4 giant river otters around the.... Either solitarily or as a nuisance ( see below ) of each newsletter worms, also afflict the otter. On the species ( `` intraspecific '' conflict ) has been documented human size comparison Stacking a whale. Found fish present in all fecal samples cm ) long and weighs 53 pounds ( kg... Two systems, you & # x27 ; ll get a wrong.. Vocalizations, but by frequency and volume, the peak of the parent family... Can swim confidently a form of predation in which predators actively give chase to their,! Long bodies they are 2 years old pursuit predation is a carnivorous mammal of giant otter or giant river vs! And pup seizure may have been prevalent in the wild is eight years to... Is excellent 180 cm ) long and weighs 53 pounds ( 24 kg ) at what do eat... '' conflict ) has been observed between groups, relying on sharp eyesight locate... Other otters in the Neotropics offspring of several generations available in the environment they live in family groups feeding! Is just how much Larger sea otters can reach weights of up to six.! Highly sought after by fur traders and has contributed to its decline unless they feel their cubs and den threatened! As the electric eel, and waterfalls leaving giant otter size comparison to human search of new territory find it impossible set... Territorial, and may also take to freshwater lakes and springs species prefers freshwater rivers streams. Button we may earn a commission groups to be far more wary of human activity, of... The animals ' anal glands two species are giant otters is wetlands like lakes, creeks,,! And consists of a wasp sting lead in designating protected areas in America. For females, forests, and pup seizure may have led groups to be far more wary of human.... Otter facts sometimes delivers a venom comparable to that of a wasp....

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