empires and puzzles hero ranking spreadsheet 2022

#4, #5, #6 Zeline, Seshat, Finley (in no particular order)The lines really start to get blur at these positions all these heroes are pretty damn awesome at what they do. -What a tender and heart-warming speech. Dispels buffs from all enemies. It has worked for me for about 10 months now and I have actually received multiple HoTM or Event heroes with just the free single summons not having to proceed to the 10x summons. The worst raids are the ones where you got mother north combined with ludwig/Krampus They making me crazy. The feeling is crap. Titan GuideWinning Raids strategy GuideRaid Defence team Set up. Herzlichen Dank fr die super Liste sie ist sehr aufschlussreich ..Und vorallem die Zeit und die Mhe jeden Helden aufzulisten ..finde ich groartig . Until recently Ive raided almost exclusively with mono green. This list here is completely outdated. It is completely out of whack. Had a feeling I was wasting some resources plus confirming some of my Beliefs. A blank space means a grade has not yet been calculated for that hero or category. 9 tiles to debuff Krampus, edd, def down, dodge (hit all), snipe MN. When will Clarissa be added to the purple five stars? The current HotMis only available viaSummonfor one month. Always missing when its time to pay the bill, Already in jimjams when its time to do the washing up. Knowing that you now need to decide what you would use to consider the RNG streaking high. The chance of getting an Atlantis hero of any kind is: Total chance of getting 3* and up Atlantis or 5* HoTM =68.9%. Alucard 4: Balthazaar has always been one of the best Rare heroes. SiteContact Us Privacy PolicyTerms Of UseAbout UsWrite For Us. Just need to make sure Ludwig is on full mana and the fight is going to end soon. I agree, a top 10 is really difficult as so much plays in. All enemies receive x Burn Damage for as long as a Muspelheim Ally has low health. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. ( Update Note: As of February 21, 2019, various members of the 7d family have taken over maintaining this wonderful sheet Anchor created.) In doing a 10-pull, you have 10 opportunities to get the HotM. I started passing it along to friends about 5 months ago to others and then publicly. Finding some of the powerful 4*s was cool too! I cannot find this feature. Please mind S = Superior (Best of the Best); A = Really Strong; B = Mediocre; C = Weak The chest is awarded after 10 Valhalla summons. They are both slow, they have the same offensive skill, but Justice deals more damage and has more life. I do for example believe that the rating for Sumitoto should be adjusted. Level them up one at a time by feeding them heroes of all colors? Significance: The Overall score is more of how versatile a hero is meaning how often you will likely use this hero in multiple scenarios. This was a good decision on my part ( actually patting myself on the back atm ) to subscribe to your page. Users may opt out of personalized advertising by visiting Ads Settings. And why you do not mention lewana she does the same like c lepus with better stats and without negative drawback? Ladies and Gents, Pets and Unicorns of all nations! Helo is an uncomplicated elf-thing. A day, an hour, or keep using daily tokens until I get the sequence youve outlined, ie 1/2 troop, 2 troop( or 1 , then again for 2 ), then use a summons? There should be no 10x Dawa summons and that is at least some comfort if you miss on your 5* event/Atlantis hero. Team composition synergy Viable strategies, Offensive defence Kill them before they kill you. Discuss tips and strategies, ask questions and make friends with other players around the globe. Cheers and keep the great work. *** this special stacks with a general decrease to an enemie's defense (eg. Is it me? Special Skills (Restoration and Annihilation): Mana Charge 1x: 1. This one is really subjective as I realize that everyone has a different playstyle and opinion of the heroes. (Normal dmg = yellow gem damage inflicted by the player on enemies), deal 200% dmg to all enemies & the caster gets +46% def & regenerates 645 HP over 5 turns. As a result, meta and ratings will change on a regular basis. Diaochan recently appeared as part of the War of the Three Kingdoms. Gadamn red bastards. Haha, thanks for the insight. Want more Milena? . Sadly, we dont really see these qualities in the real world, and thats why I admire Krampus so much. Last time I played against her, she took Rigards healing, Hanitras dodge, and Khangans mana generation. So no more ranking for Rare and Epic heroes. Going forward, this sheet will not be kept up to date. Read her full review here. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Special Skills (Scourge of Joy): 1. Red. Will work on getting an improved and updated version back in. Probability of activation of special is dependant on the durability of tank. Best heroes in this category are heroes like Frigg, Vela, Gravemaker, Odin whereby they only have 1 main aim, and that is to deal as much damage as possible, while the tank buys time for them. If you successfully pull the HotM, you will receive both your actual pull along with the HotM, giving you twoheroes instead of one for that particular pull. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Wanna play? If you see him, can you please let me know where his Grade falls? TOP-5 ALLIANCES OF ALL-TIME* #1) Seven Days Departed +188 #2) Crystal Palace #3) Blazing Dawn #4) Last Regiment #5) Aggressive TOP-5 RAIDERS OF ALL-TIME* #1) Deadlift of Go Away, Savage Wolves +20 #2) Qu!nn of Seven Days Departed #3) uclapack of The Avengers #4) Sarmale of Various #5) Commander Jesus of Seven Days Departed By using free summons to test the game RNG, you drastically reduce the money spent before you commit to paying for a 10x Event or Atlantis summons. When Milena first entered the world of Empires and Puzzles, she was already a Deity. But I cannot choose between Bobo and cobalt.Can some one help me? Not just for ascensions, in a multitude of ways that a spreadsheet and/or the game NEVER will. Also, Im sorry I cant review everyone, but I do try to catch the big ones that appear. Wouldnt it be really frustrating when you go through all that work then realise that the hero was not worth all that effort? You can claim a maximum of 9 Ascension Item Chests each summons event. 6Mok Arr I guess thats basically it in a nutshell. Thorn Minion has 15% HP and 15% attack inherited from the caster. Thank you! Great list! Your email address will not be published. Note that this sheet does not offer any sort of advice on which heroes to use for a fight. What Heroes Cause The Most Damage In Empires and Puzzles? A high overall score does not mean that the hero will be good in all situations, in all attacking teams, or in any position in a defense team. Hi, nice list! 2. by Organizes your roster into strongest mono teams and strongest titan attackers. Finally, the average chance of pulling a Legendary hero is about 1% and 1.3% for the current HOTM. Youre never gonna please everybody. I prefer Krampus over Black Knight because he does more for me, and its harder to stop him from doing those things. Tokens arent an issue, as I have LOTS. Enjoy. Credits: Small Giant games, Anchor7DD, among many others for their time to compile all the farming guides and information that you see here. Octos does. Mana Charge 2x: 1. Summoning tips and tricks and recommendations. Id much rather receive a Legendary 5* hero as a consolation prize for missing Event heroes or HoTM instead of spending good money for a Classic hero summons where you haveZEROchance of getting an event or Atlantis hero. Because the rating of the tier list is debatable, please leave a comment below if you have any questions or disagree with any of our rankings. (Buff booster and Rush Attack), 5: Great for buff booster and rush attack tournaments, 5: Diversity in use, stat bonus, great VS titans, 4: Awesome in today's meta (due to the amount of buffs and debuffs). https://allheroes.eu/ is pretty good too. If you found this countdown fun and insightful, Ive done my job! The caster gets Taunt that prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the caster's allies for 3 turns. One more tile to charge Alby & drink in the mana regen to mop up any poor sobbing survivors. I look refer to this list often. The game is becoming a pay to win game and removing the ranking of lower level heroes is disappointing. My top.oh I think I read it wrong. After all, she is the premier Dodger in all of Empires and Puzzles. As obvious as it may seem, special skills form the backbone of any team composition, whether in offense or defense. Krampus has to be on this list because he continues to protect his squad against Special Skills damage, and that protection is game-changing. Odin has a great mana gen effect, but 490% against summoners, no questions asked, makes Penolite better imv. I think original & costmue pairs below should be swapped. Update July 2022! A good combination like the GTV (Gravemaker, Telluria, Vela) formation works because Telluria heals and buys time for vela+gravemaker to activate. You can also refer to these guides to determine which heroes your roster is lacking to decide which heroes you would like to upgrade first. (Alternatively, you can direct users to opt out of a third-party vendor's use of cookies for personalized advertising by visiting www.aboutads.info. Yeah couldnt do a top 10 but those are essential superstars for me lol, But wonder how many if them we still see in about a year in a best of , Youre right. All enemies receive x Poison damage for as long as a Svartalfheim Ally has low health. Or simply, Yes. For me the MVP right now is Bobo(the best AoE i got) paired with Ludwig. 5: Awesome for challenge events and tournament battles. ), I was completely numb under local anaesthetic, and still took up the nurses offer, of a hand to hold. The more mana the enemies have, the more damage they will receive, up to 335%, deal 200% dmg to all enemies & all allies get +94% def vs fire for 4 turns, deal 458% damage to single enemy & they receive 282 damage over 6 turns, deal 195% to single enemy & they get -34% attack for 6 turns, deal 300% damage to one enemy and they are less accurate for 4 turns, deal 210% damage to single enemy & minor damage on nearby enemies, deal 270% damage to single enemy & reduce their mana by 25%, all heroes get +63% defence and share received damage with all their allies for 5 turns, deal 305% damage to single enemy & reduce their mana by 25%, deal 175% damage to all enemies & they are less accurate for 4 turns, deal 150% to all enemies & reduce their mana by 20%, all heroes get +185% attack with -32% accuracy for 5 turns (-32% against self), deal 270% dmg to 1 enemy, & they get -54% def vs Holy for 4 turns, deal 468% to single enemy & they are less accurate for 6 turns, deal 220% damage to all enemies & they are less accurate for 4 turns, deal 350% to single enemy & reduce their nama by 25% & steal moderate amount of dealt damage back, deal 332% dmg to a single enemy and minor damage on nearby enemies. Summons an Elf Minion for each ally with 7% HP and 10% attack inherited from the caster. In a similar story, when I had an ingrowing toe-nail (too much? War of the Three Kingdoms resumes next week! Family bonuses and related information Finally, being on this list doesnt automatically make you the best in your Class. This method of performing summons is based on thePresumedstreakiness of RNG in the game. Tettukh Want more Guan Yu? No word of a lie, Guan Yu calls his friends over for a party and they all get p*ssed, while the Doc gets to chiselling. Thank you for the update!And thank you for continuously leveling up Heroes, ranking them and publishing your results. Gems can be earned through regular gameplay or bought directly. Ive never reviewed Costumed Kadilen because shes always managed to dodge my request for an interview. Hi Holodigm. This effect cannot be dispelled, All enemies have -x% accuracy for as long as a Niflheim hero is at low health. Based on that story, it should come as no surprise that Guan Yu is a total powerhouse in Empires and Puzzles. The boogeyman doesnt keep my children up at night. And, no matter who else is in the team, its Mother North who brings them back Back to win a battle you thought was lost. Toxicandra One that I do not necessarily see on the list, but one that made mother north a lot easier to deal with in her safe little corner is Quentin; hefty fast single strike, but the damage after the first strike with the likes of morel finishes anyone 90% of the time. Hes so powerful, that your value is predicated on your ability to access Him. Want more Ludwig? As of right now, hes the hardest-hitting badass in the game. The Hero Utility is a complete set of 7 evaluation/valuation methods, wrapped up into a pleasing and organized visual with its primary purpose being to For me, it was about heroes who anyone could pull and be over the moon at the impact they have. please share a link to this post somewhere. Special Skills (Radiant Rapid-Fire): 1. Just bring Mana pots and you can almost kill any PVE boss without any other god heores. But thats not a failure, after all, we are now talking about the Top 3 heroes in Empires and Puzzles, right? Gems are the most valuable resource in Empires & Puzzles and can be used to summon Heroes, skip construction times, transmute items, and continue battles. Thats not defamation, those be the facts. But they are definitely worth it, in our humble opinion! Calculation Formula: [Titan + Offense + Defense overall + Tournament average]/4. Two questions:You wrote you separated the Heroes into categories. Listen to this, Guan Yu was hit by a stray poisoned arrow to the left arm (Im guessing thats the arrow in his Hero Card), and anyway, every time it rained, his arm would hurt. She may be A or B+, not A+. And I like that. haha.. Till you are feeling lucky again, I guess. Recovers 32% 40% health for all allies. All allies get +50% attack for 3 turns. Probably the best Titan killer and PVE boss controller. You can claim a maximum of 9 Ascension Item Chests each summons event. Everything from the latest hero ratings, hero gradings and hero reviews can be found here. With even one of my Devanas, I can ghost the board and the cats will eat everything. He has destroyed my hopes and dreams on many many occasion. Summons a Lackey Minion for the caster and nearby allies with 15% HP and 19% attack inherited from the caster. 2Exeera Cost: 300 gems Or Epic Hero token (single summon) & 2600 gems (10x summon). Allows you to maintain your own hero roster Shows hero grading for offense/defense/titan Organizes your roster into strongest mono teams and strongest titan attackers. Milena Thanks for reading and I appreciate you taking the time to comment. And with her Costume, its 55%. Rankings at this point becomes a matter of extremely variable opinion. This is a bit sad because i know many out there would run her 24/7 if they only had her. The caster gets +44% defense, and a further 10% increase every time they are hit during 3 turns. Basically, Milena would spawn a new copy of herself onto the screen, each and every time you breathed. Special Skills (Ancient Enchantment): 1. Which isnt as weirdly cool as stealing buffs and healing, thats kinda Mother Theresa really nice good with YOU DID WHAT, HOW COULD YOU?!? These can be received as a reward from Wanted Missions, Titan Battles, Alliance Wars and Challenge Events. But hes got a C for Overall Grade in the 3 Star Ice table. Have you seen Heimdall, he is as good as Mother North. 3. And, just as the dust settles, and your tormenters begin to fill with glee, -thats when she draws back the curtains to the shadow realm and declares with a mighty roar towards the heavens. And thats why, whenever we see her used as Tank in war, we get all giddy. I certainly hope that it works for you as well. Ultimate Farming Guide for Empires and Puzzles, 2020 Empires & Puzzles Seasonal event guide, Empires & Puzzles: Alliance War strategies, Defense team Strategies, advice and tactics, Other information Regarding the Hero List, Empires and Puzzles Legendary hero masterlist, Empires & Puzzles Hero Summoning Guide/Hack/Cheat, Best overall 5 star (Legendary) hero award, Bonus Legendary Secret hero: 0.1% [Myztero], Empires and Puzzles Ultimate farming guide - Updated March 2020, Season 3 Realms - Empires and Puzzles Game Guide, Empires and Puzzles - Tavern of Legends *BETA* - Summon Past HotMs, Empires And Puzzles Hero Ranking Kapan Games, Empires And Puzzles Hero List Kapan Games, 2020 Empires & Puzzles Guide for all seasonal events - Springvale & more, Empires and Puzzles - Mana - Not Pay to Win, Empires and Puzzles Crystalis: League of Villain Crystalis Hero Review, All Allies are healed by x% when an Alfheim Hero reaches low health, All Allies gain x% mana when an Asgard Hero dies, Deals x% damage to all enemies when a Helheim Hero dies, All allies get an Ice Giant Minion with x%hp and y%Attack inherited from the caster when a Jotunheim Hero dies. Troop summons and daily summons are not eligible for a bonus chance at the HotM. However, being tenth on this list does come with responsibilities; he now stands as gatekeeper to those seeking admittance hereafter. please share this post with your game-buddies and alliance. So it looks like you went with regular Mother North over her costume, am I reading that right? . -if you dont like it, dont do it. Thanks. I tried to structure this list in a new way to give you more insights on how the ranking is done, I hope you find this helpful. You can even compare heroes and check out where they should be placed in a team. Read his full review here. I will be working to keep other resources up to date. Allows you to maintain your own hero roster, Shows hero grading for offense/defense/titan. -Because we cant quite believe our luck. To my mind, there is no doubt that indeed Nadezhdas Tier 2 does offer the best value among all the Revivers, but her consistency on Defense is in question. I will use Atlantis summons for the example of how I do this. This really helps you understand why Santa and Mother North are so difficult to get. the caster heals 40% of dealt normal damage for 5 turns. Deals 170% damage to all enemies. And I really like her, for the same reasons I like Krampus, and Ferant, and so many other heroes. You will be able to advance faster, dominate other players, and, most importantly, become a powerful player, which is every players goal. Hes so powerful, that your value is predicated on your 5 * event/Atlantis hero Charge... Heroes Cause the Most damage in Empires and Puzzles allows you to your. Level them up one at a time by feeding them heroes of nations... Not yet been calculated for that hero empires and puzzles hero ranking spreadsheet 2022 category do try to catch the big ones appear! Keyboard shortcuts and ratings will change on a regular basis work then realise that the rating for Sumitoto should adjusted! 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