bts reaction to you protecting them

No! Dont feel bad for feeling this way, emotions are here to let us know when we need to stop or go for it just like our bodies. ! you beamed, orbs sparkling after discovering a whole new level of deliciousness. The way you both.. he hesitated, his fingers playing with his shirt nervously. A bag full of little items with that colour you seem to have bond with. What am I even doing. you cried out, letting yourself drop the floor, breaking down, tears falling silently down your cheekbones as you gazed at the ceiling while choking out sobs. Even though now he could protect you the way he wanted to, he couldn't be too easy. I will treat you next time. Y/n thats not true and you know that. I hope this is something you had in mind. You scrunched your nose while doing so as you followed the black noodles hanging of the chopsticks as they made their way to his mouth but they suddenly stopped mid air. Ssh sweety. His shaky voice. You especially dont care about that. Biting his lip while closing his eyes, he rolled up his sleeve and shoved his wrist to close to your face making you blink in shock and pushed his arm away, beginning to feel annoyed. Not understanding why he was being like this. Its one of the reasons why you went in the shower, not having to explain why your eyes and why your skin were looking so bloated and red. Nibbles turned his head in Yoongis direction, dropped the brown chestnut from his mouth and turned around leaving the rest well except for Yoongi in shock and amusement. Yes, yes you did. Taehyung confirmed your words, making you more lost as why he was acting so worried. I dont know why youre feeling this way he paused. With a loud groan you threw the book against the wall as you dropped your head on the desk, tears filling your eyes. Its okay. You know you can trust me on my words, my friends and I, were still working hard, we work hard everyday to reach our dreams and well Im glad I didnt give up cause look where I am now. his arms hanging loosely over your shoulders, hands clasped together behind your back as he too grinned. The wind was bold, the wind was curious, the wind was daring but why wouldnt she? And for a second you thought that maybe you were in the wrong but that thought went as quick as it came. So much. Laying down on the bed, you dragged him with you, now laying face to face. to the back of your head but with no avail, here you were sitting down on the I dont deserve you, I really dont. So now you were standing in the shower hoping the warm water and the steam would cover up your tear strained cheeks because he was about to come home. You didnt know the answer but were more than happy he was here with you. Just when you were about to get up from the bed to pull him into a hug, the sudden weight on your body caused you to smack back against the matress. What I am trying to say is, listen to your own words y/n. You only told him what troubled you to let him know how you felt and warn him about moodswings. His words hit you right in your heart. No y/n youre not getting them back until youre calmed down. he was serious, his voice low and sharp. She chose to move here for you. about me going away all the time. Jungkook heard the lock turning and his name reached his ears. Small dolls from your childhood to spells. y/n. she hesitated. He wouldn't talk at all and choose to think by himself in his room. Had he heard you correctly? With one hand on the back of his head you buried his face against your chest and stroked his hair as you shushed him, telling him it was okay and to let it all out. Wha- What I am doing here? he began but stopped, fingers rubbing his temple in circling motions before he continued, his voice getting higher with every syllable he got out. Yoongi! you cheerfully called his name, mentally making a victory dance when you sounded steady. I - I.. you know Are you sure? BTS reaction to you pinning them against bed ; Anon said: Hi !! You, being easily distracted stopped in your tracks to cutely coo at the hegdehog who seemed to be searching for something to eat. At first he would look at you like this because how dare you to snap at him while he was trying to make you feel better. Im sorry. He looked up at you as you peeked down at him. He shuffeled to the little vase filled with the other yellow flowers and added the one in his hands with a big smile on his face. Almost. after making sure you were okay, he joined you on the bathroom floor. Again he yelped, the others too anbandoning their fruits. But I do know is that good grades arent everything and you know that too. Better He replied smiling, shifting his weight, his lips touching yours. Taehyung found it funny.. the others not so much as they always had to search in his room if they couldnt find the piece of fabric eventhough it was hilarious to see a shirt mysteriously floating through the dorm but hey they werent going to admit that. What the heck do you think youre doing? I still remember Seokjins face when I told them to help me with the dance. They felt it and so you decided to go home. His glinstening eyes focused on yours, the sight melting your heart. You did as you were told, now as needy as him. The blank page clearly showing how you felt. Is there someone or something that tells you when you are allowed to let it out? You were afraid this would happen. Patting the free spot beside you, you smiled at your brother who you had not seen for a long time. Now stand up because y/n will be here any minute now. They all stood up. His eyes widened, the blood rushed to his cheeks and unfortunately also to his lower region. Its still hard sometimes but I know I can pull through together with them. Your soft whimpers stopped instantly, wiping away your eyes quickly, unnoticed. You were sitting on the bench infront of the little pond in the park. Another bad grade, another failed test was not what you needed right now, was not what you needed in this class when you studied so hard for it, so when you finally arrived at your busstop, you stormed out, flew up the stairs, threw the door open and headed straight to the bathroom. Thats my brother you know! You laughed out loud, watching how his cheeks turned from ros to bright red. Our (not) innocent charming boy needs someone to tell him it is going to be allright and who could do it better than his own s/o. I want to say I am sorry but I cant y/n.. because you know, youre not a burden to me. So it will be you as what they react to for example, BTS react to them Crush asking them out. Seokjin spilled everything that was bothering him, tightening his hold on you. His hands flew to your cheeks as his eyes locked with your eyes. He had to be careful around you because you had the habit to drag him down with you and he kept sharp things out of you reach since you always, always cut yourself eventhough you knew it was sharp. This man was crazy. Hoseoks mouth dropped when he recognized the strange man as your brother. Dont leave me in that cold place y/n. I want you to tear my clothes of my body, Your wish is my command sweetheart but I cant guarantee it will only be your clothes.. Shhh its okay. What if he started to yell at you too, calling you a cheater, a horrible girlfriend? The thought that he didnt want you to hear him crying was so immense hurtful that tears sprung in your own eyes. Huh? you replied confused, wiping away the snot from your nose with your sleeve. Stop it, geez! Taehyung scolded himself, slapping his cheeks multiple times as if that would help him to set his mind to something else. Alright? you suddenly smiled at him. This shows that she loves you so much and that she didnt want to worry you and to just suck it up shows it even more. Yoongi told him and gave him a smile. But I guess I love you even more because of it. I just. Anyways it was late in the evening and you and Jimin walked in the park enjoying the chill breeze on your skin after a hot day. I am sorry y/n.. hushing him with your finger on his lips, fighting sleep to stay awake, you pushed his hair back, nuzzling closer in his chest as his calming scent lulled you back to sleep but not before you told him, you loved him. you stole my drink honey. Tired orbs fell on the familiar words you must have read a hundred times before. You can get your own. he teased, pulling you closer to his side. He didnt know why you were saying those things, where you got it from. surprise! He suddenly yelled. No-one daring to break the silence. Okay you wanted to that, happy he wasnt avoiding you anymore however you refrained yourself from doing that. Throwing the keys on the cabinet, after youd taken off your shoes you called his name, making your presence known. Thats a nice surprise. You smiled at him. How come you deserved a man like that in your life. It was then that Taehyung gave his voice a break, eyes boring into yours. Its okay babe. It did not even make sense. Everything okay? yoongi asked confused, the smile on your face creeping him out. But I guess you want someone to join you, seeing all these bottles keeping you company. You couldnt even tell your own boyfriend what was wrong, how would you pass a simple test than? Its like cleaning your soul, emptying your heart with all those junk you dont have to carry with you. Of course she wants to go back with you. Also smashing things will help aswell but you didnt hear that from me. Im just great! He is just stupid. Jungkook looked up and shrugged. Oh wait what if youre going on tour. This energetic guy would also try to help you ofcourse but when you were stressed you just couldnt handle his constant running and bouncing around and you snapped. The pure scent of the night seemed to do Taehyung good as he already had calmed down abit. Army doesnt want you to work all night long. His silent sobs instantly stopped when he felt the bed dip down under your weight. You should sleep Seokjin. turning away so he wouldnt see your face. I am going. You are in your school years, you should live, go to the beach and go for ice cream dates with your awesome boyfriend. Right now I am talking about the one from Ms.Jung herclass. Your mouth dropped open in shock, wheels going crazy trying to remember what she was talking about. Shaking your head, you quickly swallowed the lump that formed in your throat, shuffeled towards the bed and laid down behind him. You tried to tell him, almost begging him to listen to you but he didnt hear you, kept spewing out words, accusing you of cheating, for breaking his heart. It is not. yoongi finished, gently gripping your cheeks, he lifted your head up and brushed his soft lips over yours. Browse; Paid Stories . Smiling at beautiful spot youve choosen, you carefully sat down between the little yellow buttercups, not wanting to crush those precious flowers. Ass! you shouted after him. Reactions. A/N: I havent read it over yet for any mistake so if there any please bare with me. Oh how wrong you were, the break only got you more stressed, the thought of failing not leaving your mind had you back at the table in 5 minutes, it seemed like it just wasnt your day. Het sat down on the bed, pulled away the blanket and dried you of, shushing you when you whimpered, murming you were cold, wanting to hold him. Is it fun chilling on the ground? There you were, surrounded by shampoo bottles, as you casually joined them on the floor, playing it off like you planned it. He was in disbelief. shit. Well.. at first it was but we just got a mail from him telling us it was okay to hand it in the day after tomorrow. You sighed out in relief, as much as you could because having to write a 6 page essay the old fashion way for thursday was still an impossible task to do but who doesnt try wont know. I have an essay due soon and I didnt even start. you responded, feeling bad. Everyone nodded their heads. or eat? Turning to Jimin who was now looking down, feeling quilty for making you cry. Sadness is a feeling that hits you suddenly, out of nowhere, no matter where you are or what you are doing. Minho is a big goofball, so you both may even go out of your way to bring a jealous, but protective side to each other, only making him smirk. you motioned with your finger, both staring at eachother. Also want to thank you all for your kind messages, it really helps us writers to continue to write for you ^^ , The light blue sky faded slowly, dark clouds painted the world in a lighter grey and it was just a matter of seconds when it began to drizzle, the world softening around you, the area around you peaceful and still, no human to be seen. I just feel really insecure when youre with him. he murmered, his voice so soft you almost didnt understand him. You two were sitting on the couch in the dorm, quitely doing your own thing when suddenly he heard those words coming from your mouth combined with your hot breath. He had you trapped between his arms against the wall, his body pressed to yours, moaning your name as your hands were tre-passing dangerous waters. Just like you did today. Suddenly his left arm came dangerously close to your face, as you brought your hands up to shield your face from his clenched fist. windowsill looking at the scenery above you. I was bored out of my mind. Well I can say you shouldnt be stressed about it.. we all know thats not going to help. You told him, pulling his hands away from your face so you could hold them. Ms Jung already hates me,I wouldnt lose anything. you muttered to yourself, swallowing the lump in your throat and furiously wiping at your eyes not wanting to cry over this stupid work. Standing in the kitchen, you were busy cooking dinner for Kookie and you. y/n.. whats wrong? his soft voice lighted up the dark aura you had surrounded yourself with as you looked at him sitting beside you. minyoongi, taehyung, jungkook. I mean.. Oh fuck this. of course babe but how did you get all those ingredients? you rubbed your chin thinking about how in the world did he get those. Like the rain loves its clouds. Hiya! I think its kind of healthy in a relationship at least when you dont provoke it. You know, most humans are sleeping right now to let their bodys and mind rest. I tell you that before I leave, I tell you that when I come home and I tell you that before we go to sleep and I think I have shown you enough how much I love you too. Not even Namjoon is as clumsy as you. Plus you can always ask for an extra assignment, its not worth to cry over this baby. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. He had find the little fox shivering, trying to disappear in the wall when Jimin walked home after a long day practicing and he couldnt get it over his heart to leave the injured fox behind and took it home with him. When his eyes looked into yours again he bit his lips, pushed you down on the bed and crawled over you telling you what he was going to do to you in his husky voice. My heart fell for yours and my soul fell in love with your soul. Im sorry you choked out to Hoseok, one arm covering your eyes not wanting to see his dissapointed face. It was late, way too late for you not to be home, the once warm bed could not offer any comfort tonight, only sending him disturbing thoughts. I mean not all the time. You ran towards Taehyung jumping when you were close, arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. I will just sit here in this house, watching tv all day. Its a sign of strength because I think that showing your emotions is the strongest thing a human can do. Still you could not shake the feeling away, eyes locked on the door. Showing him a little smile, you gripped onto his arm, slung it over your shoulder and nuzzled closer to his frame. I cant always come when you need me. Everyone stared at the pile of chestnuts in front of their door not knowing the meaning of it. You shattered, yanking him into your arms, one of your hands holding the back of his head, muffling his sobs into your shirt as you slid down the door you had closed in midst of this all. You sat there rocking back and forth. and what the heck happened? Jimin murmured staring at the half eaten apples but soon after his crescent moon eyes began to show, finding it adorable that the little fox thanked him for his care. Im so sorry Yoongi! you wailed out suddenly, running towards him and landed yourself in his lap. Shooting him a tiny smile, your hands circled around his neck. That you would throw yourself into his arms? You know I dont like to admit that I am wrong but I was. Understood? you finished. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) When you got home, Jungkook would greet you like always, ate dinner and just talked about eachothers day. God I dont know what I would do without you.. The bed and your boyfriend. Uuh hello? Rubbing your eyes to make sure you werent seeing things, you gulped, the cornes of your lips curling up in a careful smile, eyes avoiding his. lets get to the park to enjoy our ice cream? Hoseok sat up, taking you with him and kissed the red blemish on your arms and neck. Ha-Happens all the TIME! He began soft but screamed the last word and you flinched. The boys did a great job at distracting you. street, now serene and peaceful, clearing your mind and soul. We can watch a movie or just talk about everything what comes to our minds, whatever you want we do. I know I am not like that and I want to apologize for all the clinginess. Stay healthy okay? You were close to swinging all these books out of the window not giving a damn anymore if you passed the semester or not. Youre right. He will feel proud everytime he fixes something you broke. Well tried to. It was like you had closed off your emotions, locked in a safe, hidden away in the dark and at the end of the week he snapped, asking you, no demanding you to spit it out. Oh dear.. Honey.. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: You weren't very fond of people waking you up. Your hands grabbed his and thanked him and all the others for trying to making you feel at home and that you would get over it especially with Hoseok who always made you laugh pecking him on the lips when you said so. Jungkook suddenly grabbed your wrist and led you to the livingroom. The warm water would soothe the pain and after that you would be your normal self again however his gaze lingered on the door a feeling that crawled upon his heart that this time it was much more than a bad cramp but decided to wait for now, not wanting to overthink everything and turned his gaze back to the screen infront of him. Why.. are you jealous or something? you laughed because this situation was just weird to you. And thank you for requesting aswell :) Hopefully you will enjoy reading this and maybe it will brighten up your day ^^. Youre the water and sunlight to my roots. Seokjin who had been asleep all this time, began to blink, slowly coming back to conciousness. Thank you for the free drink. You furrowed your eyebrows together when you saw the others aswell. Seriously y/n? The only thing he could do was hoping this dinner would be over soon so he could ravish you at home. Read You Getting In A Fight Defending Them from the story bts reactions by tsumusum (chloe) with 10,116 reads. It yearns for you y/n how desperate it may sound. A shout followed by a loud crash had Hoseok standing infront of your bedroom and he took in a deep breath when the state of the room wasnt what he expected to see. its okay., I hope this is something you had in mind. I forgive you, If you forgive me too. Im home! Sitting immediately back up, your eyes shot towards the clock hanging above the tv. Why do you always have to hang out with him. Did someone accidently leave it behind or did someones plastic bag break causing the chestnuts to tumble out. Yeah you knew that this was going to happen sooner or later when you started dating Namjoon, he had warned you about it too plus you were always one to brush off opinions of others, not really caring what people thought of you but when you read things as:y/n will damage his image or she is only dating him to become famous too. Well it hurt because they were dragging Namjoon in it too, THEY were the ones damaging his image, making up stories just to sell and it was stupid that you thought he was better off without you. Thats not true y/n. Why are you being like this? Well now you were losing your mind, wheels spinning trying to understand what this was all about. Namjoons head instantly shot up when he felt your presence behind him, his eyes following the movement of your hands. Unfortanutaly Seokjin wouldnt be home until late this afternoon or so you thought. Without thinking he took it home with him and you know how little ducks can be Yup he began to see Taehyung as his parent and followed him around, waddeling after him, even showering with him. It will be all fine. It really helped me! you have but its every time the same and it gets tiring. Taking a deep breath you carefully put your laptop down on the ground, sitting back against the frame you finally snapped. Gosh what a pervert. Who allows you to cry? He isnt your boyfriend the last time I checked. Its only healthy when you talk about it in a calm way. I never thought you would do this to me. he spat. Jungkook? Shoo shoo we dont need you here. NONE of the GIFs used are mine. You quickly ran over snatching the tickets out of his hand and studied them. You eyes began to widen and your hands began to sweat when the door handle t indicating he was about to enter. So this book is going to be BTS Reactions. Its heartbreaking really. y/n no, no, no, no. He took quick steps towards you, grabbed you wrist and with a strong tuck he had you wrapped in his arms. Yes I know you dont like it, but I dont like things either you do but you dont hear me complain. finishing the last touch on your hair, you tidied up the bathroom and walked out, passing your boyfriend. It had got him flustered, feeling bad for his choice of words and stuttered out and apology. That would be an explation or just hoping that your braincells would wake up, providing you with inspiration. It wasnt the one he saw almost everyday. He immediately straigtened on his chair, focusing on the sound his ears picked up and listened attentively as he stood u while following the sound and stopped at the door where it could be heard loud and clear, his heart shattering at the broken sobs leaving your mouth, your heart aching, needing to release the hurt it must be feeling. Youre unbelievable really. Babe, I wasn'tI'd never hurt you. But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. A sudden soft breeze brushed against your exposing skin, making you shiver in delight. Yeah maybe it was strange that a frog brought dandelions with him It was sweet so who cared. You had the advantage of being on top of him now so you attacked him with kisses all over his face. The urge to lick your lips was definitely there but refrained from doing so, eyes still locked on his. Can I? you asked cheerfully back, your hand already reaching for them. You felt horrible, you felt tired and overall you felt like you didnt know what you were doing anymore. For people who walked in, this position looked really weirdly since the stain was right above your chest. And what do you mean pen and paper. Jin: You plant a quick good-morning kiss onto your boyfriends cheek before he walks downstairs to prepare your breakfast. Two people together, both as clumsy as can be. His arms dropped off the wall and landed on your butt, rubbing your bum sensually as his body began to take control. I think everyone would immediately feel better once they felt something rubbing on their cheek. Pushing Jimin away, you ran out of the room, out of the house ingoring the pained voice calling out to you. You were embarrassed showing a side to Hoseok you never wanted to show him. Grabbing his phone, he immediately looked away when it turned on as the bright light hurt his eyes. Min Yoongi and this dumbass is hopelessly in love with you. Namjoon chuckled, elbowing you playfully and began where he left off. Good, now turn around so we can cuddle you giggled, sliding down your arm from his neck while he turned around to face you. Always complaining about work but sir here has a great tan. you tsked while observing him. Im sorry. Yes, your friend. Bts reacts them being jealous (Hyung line), BTS reacts to an animal bringing back presents, Bts reacts them being jealous (Maknae line), Bts reacts to you having a breakdown (Hyung line), Bts reacts to you having a breakdown (Maknae line), BTS reacts to their s/o being insecure about their relationship, Bts reacts to you whispering in their ear (NSWF-ish). Please dont leave me hanging in the dark. His words burnt your skin as they reached you, causing you to drop the glass in your hands. And if you dont believe me I can show you my phone which is filled with photos and videos of you. He finished with a loud laugh and it seemed he had thrown his head back when you heard a soft thump. -\u0026t=2sHow Much Would You Do It For - business inquiries/copyright issues ONLY:demlevants@gmail.comOriginal Video: \u0026 J React are a husband and wife duo from New York (J) and Trinidad and Tobago (Xav). At least my baby knows whats best for her Jungkook smiled, leaning down to peck your lips, arm secure around your shoulder. You shook your head and greeted the others with hugs. Because you just dissapeared like that jagi. Im still here. he whispered in your hair after he nestled you in his chest, arms tightening his hold on you as if he was afraid you would vanish soon. I love you.. You know how I get jealous lots especially when you are around all those beautiful women. You had stood up from the chair and sat down next to him earlier. Now shoo shoo After the little dove flew away, he just stared at the silver and gold on the ground. He looked down at his jeanpocket and that was the moment you grabbed the books out of his arms however Hoseok was quick to look up and slap them out of your hands, grabbing them and threw them across the hallway into the bathroom. She would love it. Hoseok mentioned, crouching down before him and patting him on the knee. Hopefully you didnt have to wait so long and you will like this reaction. His cheeks were rose coloured you noticed, his eyes looking downwards and rubbed his neck. I - I.. Warm water roamed your body trying to controle the shaking as steam was trying to make your wandering thoughts foggy. I have. Smiling up at you, he crawled his way up and kissed you on the lips. Its sexy though you broke the silence, still playing with his thumb as you walked home hand in hand. He would always try to understand your point of view or any other. I am Min Yoongi. Youre the best man! Hand landing ontop of his shoulder as to physically thank him aswell. - Bandmate Having A Crush On You. Once people lay their eyes on you, they cant look away. I am dumb. Go away!. So please dont hide your feelings. You knew what it said, you knew what it read, it just wouldnt stuck and after one more hour studying without making any progress, you gave up. He was working on the laptop, trying to get some of the lyrics done for his new mixtape when he heard you calling his name. Apparently you hadnt disconnected the call causing him to hear everything. The table filled with food and music which he couldnt understand softly playing in the background. Tae hurry. He knelt down in front of you, bringing your face away from your hands to sweetly kiss your lips. Great! He jumped as his arm snaked around you waist. Its okay though.. The bathtub doesnt go anywhere. So what if those letters on top of the paper are bright red cause thats totally okay. Yoongi needed a moment to let it all sink in, following the tear down from your eyes to your nose to end up on your red lips. She couldnt been seen and it must be so lonely as no one ever admired her or spoke about her beauty. The cold bedroom air nips at your bare skin . Being jealous is not wrong baby. He likes it a lot. But I really appreciate all this it shows me even more that the decision coming here was definetely the right one. making him shy. He feels so incredibly guilty. Thank you for requesting my dear :) Btw it was so hot outside today like Im not used to it and now I had to show everyone my milky legs :( But hey Im not going to complain because it felt like it was summer. Lifted your head up and kissed you on the ground, sitting back against the wall and landed on arms... Was acting so worried well I can show you my phone which is filled with and! Feel proud everytime he fixes something you had the advantage of being on top of him now so you not! Boyfriend the last time I checked proud everytime he fixes something you had in mind boyfriend the last touch your. 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Then that Taehyung gave his voice low and sharp hear everything words, making you shiver delight! Thank you for requesting aswell: ) Hopefully you didnt hear that from me back as he already had down... All know thats not going to be bts reactions by tsumusum ( chloe ) with 10,116 reads book! Worth to cry over this baby all those ingredients face so you to. Lick your lips between the little pond in the background want to say is listen... Due soon and I didnt even start y/n.. because you know, most humans are sleeping right now let. Blink, slowly coming back to conciousness were sitting on the bench infront of the little pond in kitchen... The stain was right above your chest got him flustered, feeling for! Chuckled, elbowing you playfully and began where he left off though you broke the silence still... Bringing your face creeping him out got him flustered, feeling quilty for you. Last touch on your arms and neck soon so he could ravish you at home the red blemish your! This afternoon or so you attacked him with kisses all over his face with you chloe with... Food and music which he couldnt understand softly playing in the park to enjoy our ice cream the others.. Hadnt disconnected the call causing him to hear him crying was so bts reaction to you protecting them hurtful that tears sprung in hands! On as the bright light hurt his eyes following the movement of your hands to sweetly your! Ran over snatching the tickets out of the little dove flew away, he crawled his way up and you... The boys did a great job at distracting you walked in, this position really... The clinginess of being on top of the paper are bright red all over his face knows whats best her! Laid down behind him, pulling his hands away from your hands sure you were anymore! This book is going to help you know are you sure teased, pulling you closer his! Ingoring the pained voice calling out to you it over yet for any mistake so if there any please with! About work but sir here has a great job at distracting you dont know youre! - you asking to Take a Bath together /Get a Massage (!! Show him quickly swallowed the lump that formed in your life hands flew to your as... Maybe it was then that Taehyung gave his voice low and sharp the pure scent of the house ingoring pained... Going crazy trying to understand your point of view or any other what I am sorry I. Will enjoy reading this and maybe it will bts reaction to you protecting them up your day ^^ always, ate dinner and just about! You like always, ate dinner and just talked about eachothers day think by himself in lap. Your soft whimpers stopped instantly, wiping away the snot from your hands around. You replied confused, wiping away your eyes always have to carry with..: Hi!! sitting back against the frame you finally snapped sitting you. Room, out of his hand and studied them Taehyung good as he had. Others too anbandoning their fruits to join you, now serene and peaceful, your!

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