billy paul branham died

On June 22, 1965, Brother Branham speaking on a coast-to-coast, border-to-border telephone hookup, in his sermon Thinking Mans Filter clearly pronounced judgment upon America: The Holy Spirit in my heart tonight cries, Blind Laodicea, how oft God would have give you a revival, but now your time has come, too late now. No one who experienced the terror of that day, or who has since examined the record of the destruction and loss of life, could ever forget what it is like to experienfce the heavy hand of God in judgment. As I witnessed this, I nudged Brother Carl Williams and said, Brother Carl, is he telling California good-bye?. I remember that my father was very troubled before we left Tucson for the Jeffersonville meetings where he was to preach The trail of the serpent and expose names of the people of this message that were doing wrong including family members. They started to argue right away. . As the prophet and his son were walking back to their hotel, he perceived that something was troubling Billy and he said, Paul, whats wrong?, After a few steps, Brother Branham asked again, Whats troubling you, Paul?, Well, Daddy, said Billy, You heard that message of tongues and interpretation there., But Dad, you know that you said that the Angel of the Lord told you that she would die between 2 and 3 oclock in the morning., Notice Brother Branhams reply so typical of him where he answers and yet does not speak against the tongues and interpretation: Well, all I can say is, Paul, that the Lord has not told me any different.. Of which they said was unscriptural for there to be one. One of the brothers was taking motion pictures of Brother Branham at the time and, just as his camera ran out of film, over the bluff from the north came a powerful whirlwind right above the prophets head. Almighty God, this poor woman, knowing this condition exists in her body, I now, ask Lord, that my faith join with hers. Amen. They had the following children: 411: M: i: . On June 25, 1990, Raymond M. Jackson (a.k.a. : My sister Becky took me to the Welfare while living in the house that is just as much mine as hers. The Word of the Lord has to be spoken before God will bring it to pass. i will stand for jesus and let the world go by i will claim his promise he will supply will walk together my lord and i for i will stand for jesus and let the world go by. When I think of all the many times we sat under the message ministers that Branham appointed into elite positions within the doomsday cult, my heart . William Marrion Branham died on December 24, 1965, seven days after the accident with a drunk driver sitting in other Car had occurred. Suddenly he turned to Brother Roy Roberson, standing near him, and quickly told him to take cover. It`s a known fact than insurance companies are here to rip you off. The high point of his ministry came after he met the seven Angels where the Seven Seals were opened. Thats right. The information was confirmed by the secretariat of . I haven't got no capital. he said, Look at the earthquakes over here in California. While speaking he looked over to mother during this unpleasant conversation. I know what Bro. Notice, As in the days of the earthquake See what the earthquakes are doing? You wanted to talk to me on this. Billy Paul photographed in 1970. My people are poor, and I--I'll desire to remain that way. Divine Healing (54-0620E). And also, last year there was a man from Costa Rica in our convention. Of course he could not go along with every wind of doctrine or become a slave of man. Anyone know of believers of this message in north idaho, eastern washington area? All expenses was made. She told me that Billy Paul had fixed it in such a way that he will end up with everything. Our Website is a Religious Platform. Just before his message that morning, a very dear friend, Sister Florence Shakarian, had just sung a song in her inimitable style. The convention was not held in Los Angeles, but rather in the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel. Will you? About three miles east of Friona, Texas, just after dark, a car traveling west struck Branhams car head-on. He is coming again this year to the convention, and we will be making plans to go there to minister to those people. He does not know the God whom he claims to serve. This is used to puncture the stomach, bladder, large intestines, and lungs. I grow everyday .. food in due season. Dont worry, brother, dont be scared of heart trouble. He and several other brothers had again gathered to hunt Javelina. You know when the Angel of the Lord met me, that was the first thing He said, Till not even cancer will stand before the prayer. Do you believe it? Again, this is done to slow down the inevitable process of the decay of the body. Facebook gives people the power to. All right, sister, what do you think about it? How i wish i can meet those people who were close to him and hear them testifying about him. For myself, I wait for that day, for I believe that it is the day that shall bring forth the resurrection of those who sleep in Christ Jesus. Since all the money that was put in there, as the Lord's money, was due to Bro. The soul singer Billy Paul has died aged 81. John the Revelator sayd, I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became as black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. You have but to read Brother Branhams Revelation Of The Seven Seals to see that the Sixth Seal happens to the Jews when Christ reveals Himself to His brethren, but the Gentile Bride is taken away at that time. This man also proves himself ignorant of the Scriptures, because he does not recall Daniel 12:1 which sayd that the great archangel shall stand upon the earth and that there shall be destruction such as never been known since there was a nation, but they are Not to fear in that hour whose names are written in the Book of Life. He must also be ignorant of Revelation 6:12 which states that at the opening of the Sixth Seal there shall be a great earthquake. Helps us Lord to stay in line,as we approach the great hour ,the rapture! The man who claims he has it on tape will not permit me to hear the tape. That night, July 25, 1965, when he preached What Is The Attraction On The Mountain, he said, Listen close. Most of them have used the tithes of the people to buy real estate and investments, travel agencies. . Thats true. to me an unworthyperson.I have found grace to his eyes and now I am in the ark of BR BRANHAM,in that ark those who can get in the real predestinated and they can helped by JESUS CHRIST live his Word.I know that in the time of Noah they were many scholars,scientists who made their arks according to their high technology but all of those arks darkened but except the ark of this man they were laughing at,see?the only ark which resisted during the day of the flood is of NOAH .Why?because it was done by REVELQTION and he was sure that spoke to him,although people laughed at him but he knew where he stood up,on the divine revelation , so be assured that we have the commander who is Br BRANHAM the prophet of the age,JESUS CHRISt is the CAPTAIN holding the security cord to lead us to good port in order we may not darken where our sorrows,pains and griefs will finish.saints be courageous we gonna reach the good port.May God bless you. . Pearry Green and he sent me off with next to nothing. Was not spoken of the soul. (Henry Longfellow). My family and others have pushed me through terrible things, sleeping in parks, airports, etc. As the stone struck the earth, a small whirlwind came down with it, and he simply spoke the words, Thus saith the Lord. He turned to Brother Woods and said, You watch, there will be something happen. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning. Its not what I beg but, what people offered me, to give me. his sermons were for those predestinated. Later I found out that Rebekah was with Pearry Green and they had a difficult time finding her to let her know about the accident. Billy Paul's Last Words: The death of Pearry Green brings back several memories of days gone by, many of which I wish that I had back. All insiders know about the 65,000 dollars Brother Sidney Jackson gave to Rev. . He turned to mother and said: Shes not there. He had ordered a piece of pie but never ate it. The Lord Jesus said His sheep will hear His voice.He described the sheep as little flock. Ive had asas much as a million five hundred thousand dollars give me at one time. Also I would like to mention something that happened after the accident that always bothered mother and me. Zecharaiah 14:4,5: headquarters at Springfield Mo. now that orts get shouting and praise god . View the profiles of people named Billy Branham. . Rebekah was born March 21, 1946, in New Albany, Indiana, to Rev and Mrs. He was hospitalized a week ago at Temple . I was there when the call went through and the answer was given us that she had died at 2:45 a.m. Now, were the tongues and interpretation from God, or were they a result of someones own zealousness? At least weve got a wall that speaks exactly as it is to that lost sheep out there. Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Schfer was a follower and promoter of the teachings of . But we were not the only ones falling into the trap with him. Go, believing with all your heart now. Brother Billy Paul, in the audience that day, was deeply disturbed, for he knew that this message contradicted that which Brother Branham had received from the Lord. And now God answers our prayers. Latest Video. Like his father, Billy never graduated from high school and has shown disrespect to educated people in general. This is the best narration of the prophency that was given by the prophet.The Bible says if some dont believe the word of God will not be of non effect.The word of God will accomplish whatever it was intended to do.Noah preached the message warning people to get into the ark but they scoffed him.What followed? In the past 20 years I have managed to feed people that have come to our meetings. He is survived by his wife, Blanche, who managed his career for many years. To Sarah, however, the response . He foresaw the destruction of Hoover Dam back then known as Boulder Dam.. (keep hoover dam in mind as it is an important symbol for the Elite/Illuminati and it will be further expanded upon in the links below. Finally she approached me and wanted to know how much I had remembered from before the accident. I am my tradition. How God would have hovered you, but you would not. For there is a Jesus Christ, a wedding supper, a 1000 yr millenium, a white throne judgment and a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH. Obediently, he did as he was told. Also I would like to mention that Billy Paul gave 75,000 dollars of the church money to Mr. Doug McQuiz in Tucson to start his church and a construction business. SHOULD SINGLE BELIEVERS STAY OUT LATE INTO THE NIGHT WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS? Brother Branham was taken to a hospital in Amarillo, Texas. The popularity rank for the name William was 5 in the US in 2020, the Social Security . He lived for six days after the crash, dying on December 24, 1965 at 5:49 PM. Collins has made it a place of blasphemy. May 4, 2021 Stand up, and justjust say, Praise the Lord, for your healing. This has become obvious. Cause it upsets me. IT IS NICE GIVING THIS TESTIMONIES BECAUSE IT AROUSES OUR APPETITE IN THE FAITH.MORE GREASE TO YOUR ELBOWS.THANK GOD FOR THE PILLAR OF FIRE THAT HAS BROUGHT US BACK TO THE BLOODY FOOTPRINTS. Very soon I hope things will come to light which were done wrong including with all the pastors in the message who take the tenth (tithes) from the people and treat the large sums of money as their private income. Cayey, Puerto Rico. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please send your mailing address, the quantity of books you would . blessed assuarance jesus is mine ooh what a forfait of glory divine heir of salvation purchase of god born of his spirit lost in his love and where he leads i will follow no turning back no turning back the word is true i believe it with all my heart ooh god help all my unbelieve heaven and earth will pass away but his word will remain intact. I only hope that others who were also cheated will have the courage to come up with their stories and claims. Ive took You at Your Word, for You said You were sent from God. If you go to moving around, were going have the close the service here. Branham was alive and given a choice to set things in order, Sarah would be given an equal opportunity to share in the things of his ministry. Hello and God Bless you sister Susan! Did you find a church to attend that believes this Message? Software & Website. This is the hour that we, the Bride of Jesus Christ, should stand fast, and hold on to the Message that Brother Branham, brought to us. Said they were looking for another one in about five minutes and I thought, Oh Lord. You believe? Such as in 1 Cor. My father said, I am going to expose many things and names this time. My mother kept begging: Please, no, Bill. Jesus is the answer for the world today. I remember our first experience here, we were very, very poor. Thank you God for such a hope-giving testimony.It makes me feel so privileged to have believed the Message Of The Hour. Youve been healed for about ten minutes now, setting there. You had to sponsor that. Branham was a man sent from God, vindicated prophet to this last age. We're just trying to do the best we can. I felt very sad in my heart for her and her family. Only God knows all the facts, but after I saw the document dated the 26th day of October, 1965, I began to wonder even more. I dont know how many times my mother told me: Take it with you to the grave. What she meant by that I have to tell you now. The statement was simple, but profound, Sin has heaped up so high that someday the ocean will weep its way to the desert.. Thank God for sending us his Prophet in these last days. Frank told me not to do it because its against the Scripture (I Cor. The only thing I want is your favor, so I can tell you about Jesus Christ andand His glory. Do you know him? He traveled all over the world proclaiming the message of the hour. Your sister has as much right to any material benefits that Bro. ), Youtube Harrp Earthquake man made technology that can cause earthquakes. The true believers will hear the message of Gods servant, the unbeliever will not accept the true word of God. Am:3:8: The lion hath roared, who will not fear? What a parallel between the words of Gods prophet concerning the United States and Jesus words when He said, Oh Jerusalem! Its time The Bride Get Her Revival, What more can the seed of Christ say but to be thankfull to God Almighty who alone made it impossible for the elect to be deceive. You must do something to cause things to happen. The last argument before we left was because my sister Becky wanted to stay in the apartment with her friend Betty Collins. no denomonation or nothing can produce that none of them , thats my anker thats my rest br branham preached and brought the revelation of what paul preached and im resting on that . Which he could become a prophet along with others. I expected to at least get some resonse from headquarters. His brother, Charles Branham, Jr., who died in an automobile accident on August 5, 1935 at sixteen-years old, had already been deceased for more than a year;[7] ' At that time not many people perceived that a prophet of God was fulfilling Scripture by referring to the last earthquake. The son of a prosperous dairy farmer, Billy Graham grew up in rural . Branhams left arm was mangled and caught in the driver-side door, and his left leg was wrapped around the steering wheel. . Stand by me tonight. It is true that I am not a member of the Branham family, but I am a member of the family of God. God bless you. Historical research data concerning William Branham and his "Message". At this point I must mention that I had a very special experience in May 1989, when I was told to go and meet Brother Frank in Germany. Anybody that would predict the destruction of Los Angeles, with four hundred and twenty thousand Holy Ghost filled believers in the city God would certainly condemn a man for making such a judgment. This man is obviously ignorant of the Scriptures and is also ignorant of the moving of God among His people this day. And may not one go through without faith. Billy Paul, you have went with men who hold to quotes, etc. I have said nothing but the truth. Jose B. Perez] Thank you very much, missionary Miguel Bermudez Marin, may God bless you greatly, and all those who are there in the congregation that is pastored by the Reverend Fernando Benjamin Vargas there in Colorines, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Exactly what does all this mean? for years now. William Branham praysNow, shall we bow our heads now for prayer. And I have taken no money from no peoples. Brother Branham was given the message and he immediately asked Brother Williams to find out the time of her death. bible believers tabernacle with Pastor Stacy. The brethren who present themselves pius before the believers have also finished my husband Eddy who is an ordained minister having a diploma of the Tucson University. Like the Prophet of God said STAY with the tapes and STAY with the Books. Could it be that she does not agree with all these wild revelations that some hold too? Romans 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lords., Life is real! The message had come with such force and such anointing; yet he knew that the Angel of the Lord had never failed Brother Branham. This episode examines the early stages of the investigation.. Only just one day before departing for a mission trip, Gerald Lee Walker received a letter from a minister in New Zealand requesting his assistance in helping Sarah Branham and her family with their desperate situation. Would you like to offer Billy Branhams loved ones a condolence message? On his death, his oldest son, Billy Paul Branham, took over his ministry and financial empire, cutting out Branham's wife and daughter, and eventually breaking with William's other son as well. Required fields are marked *. From the family inheritance I received my share of 55,000 dollars after my mother passed away. Billy Paul, the soul singer best known for his 1972 single "Me and Mrs. Jones," died on Sunday (April 24 . If he did, he would tremble with fear at the God who caused twenty-eight thousand men to be killed in one day simple because one man sinned among the children of Israel. I can't afford it; I haven't got money like that. (I do not endorse or believe in every dream/vision and its interpretation that is posted here. After about 45 minutes, Branham was pulled from his car and transported to the hospital at Friona, and then later transported to the hospital at Amarillo, Texas. The prophet leaves but the message remains. In the matter of the prophesied destruction of the west coast, their unbelief finds fertile ground, causing them to scoff against the very warning that God has given this generation. Life is earnest! I wont name him, but I sincerely hope that he reads this book because he must be made to understand that he stands in dire need of repentance. Lets keep on striving till the coming of the Lord. But now your time has come. PRAISE GOD FOR HIS PROMISES. How foolish the attitude of those who say that they will move off of the west coast when God tells them to. It went up along the coast, broke in below San Jose, went across over into Alaska, out through the Aleutian Islands, then went about two hundred miles out into the sea, came back down into San Diego, and went around behind Los Angeles, forming a great pocket. When we left Joseph went in the car with Billy Paul and Loyce which never would have happened any other time. See? With my own eyes I saw how the stored-up food was made available in the different languages. Branham married Amelia Hope Brumbach (b. July 16, 1913) in 1934, and they had two children; William "Billy" Paul Branham (b. September 13, 1935) and Sharon Rose Branham (b. October 27, 1936). You will have to give an account to God one day why all this has been tolerated. in the name of Jesus Christ reach out your arms to your sister. The whirlwind had descended three times on that day in February 1964. My father needed a blood transfusion immediately after the accident. and to the Rev. I want you to do me a favor. For example, there is the claim that Brother Branham predicted the destruction of Los Angeles would occur before another international convention of the Full Gospel Businessmen could be held in that city. I greet all saints in the name of Jesus Christ ,May God be bless for his messenger sent to me , to the bride , and for the that we have clearness in ways of saying things .God bless you. Can meet those people Lord 's money, was due to Bro any material benefits that Bro vindicated prophet this..., so I can meet those people very poor Brother Williams to find out the time of death! 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