application of microbial genetics in industries

J. Bacteriol. B., Al Seadi, T., and Oleskowicz-Popiel, P. (2009). Microbiol. Sci. The OPH catalyzes the hydrolysis of organophosphorus pesticides releasing protons, whose concentration is proportional to the amount of substrate analyzed (Mulchandani et al., 1998; Kim H. J. et al., 2016). Chirality 20, 519. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.03.054, Katrlik, J., Vostiar, I., Sefcovicova, J., Tkac, J., Mastihuba, V., Valach, M., et al. Allied Health Microbiology by Open Stax and Linda Bruslind is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Overcoming the challenges in administering biopharmaceuticals: formulation and delivery strategies. (2009). (2006). Bioplastic formulations were recently tested for seed coating of agronomic species. 16, 337353. Biotechnol. Bioprocess Eng. They are poorly reactogenic, which is an advantage in terms of adverse effects but a disadvantage in terms of stimulating potent and long-lasting immune responses (Bobbala and Hook, 2016). Microbial pigments might be an alternative to synthetic pigments. Currently, a potentially viable alternative for the synthesis of 1,3-PDO is the use of genetically modified microorganisms. Application in Agriculture 2. 2.1. Biotechnol. 17, 204214. Alginates as biomaterials in tissue engineering, in Carbohydrate Chemistry: Chemical and Biological Approaches, ed. Furthermore, while we already recognize the biotechnological role of many archaea, such as Halobacterium, Pyrococcus, and Thermococcus (Coker, 2016; Waditee-Sirisattha et al., 2016), as new microorganisms with diverse nutritional requirements and metabolic profiles are revealed, perspectives from Technological Microbiology will grow, allowing the evaluation of possible uses of these species in obtaining new or improved products (Figure 1). Rational design of therapeutic mAbs against aggregation through protein engineering and incorporation of glycosylation motifs applied to bevacizumab. Cellulolytic and xylanolytic activities of common indoor fungi. Acad. (2006). Most of the time, the products and processes generated by systems biotechnology are expensive and of little benefit when implemented on a large scale. U.S.A. 74, 50885090. Food Chem. However, these same viral types account for 8695% of cases of non-cervical cancer, i.e., anal, oropharynx, vulval, and vaginal cancers in women, as well as anal, oropharyngeal, and penile cancers in men (Gillison et al., 2008). In attenuated vaccines, the pathogens (virus or bacteria) are alive and induce immune reactions similar to those resulting from a real infection (Plotkin et al., 2008). For example, the naturally occurring antibiotic synthesis pathways of various Streptomyces spp., long known for their antibiotic production capabilities, can be modified to improve yields or to create new antibiotics through the introduction of genes encoding additional enzymes. 4, 6973. Removal of chlorophenols from wastewater by immobilized horseradish peroxidase. 2.3 Unique Characteristics of Prokaryotic Cells, 3.1 Prokaryote Habitats, Relationships, and Microbiomes, 7.2 Oxygen Requirements for Microbial Growth, 7.3 The Effects of pH on Microbial Growth, 8.1 Whole Genome Methods and Pharmaceutical Applications of Genetic Engineering, 9.2 Testing the Effectiveness of Antiseptics and Disinfectants, 10.1 Fundamentals of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 10.3 Mechanisms of Other Antimicrobial Drugs, 10.5 Testing the Effectiveness of Antimicrobials, 10.6 Current Strategies for Antimicrobial Discovery, 11.1 Characteristics of Infectious Disease, 11.3 Virulence Factors of Bacterial and Viral Pathogens, 13.4 Pathogen Recognition and Phagocytosis, 14.1 Overview of Specific Adaptive Immunity, 14.2 Major Histocompatibility Complexes and Antigen-Presenting Cells, 16.1 Anatomy and Normal Microbiota of the Skin and Eyes, 16.2 Bacterial Infections of the Skin and Eyes, 16.3 Viral Infections of the Skin and Eyes, 16.5 Helminthic Infections of the Skin and Eyes, 17.1 Anatomy and Normal Microbiota of the Respiratory Tract, 17.2 Bacterial Infections of the Respiratory Tract, 17.3 Viral Infections of the Respiratory Tract, 18.1 Anatomy and Normal Microbiota of the Urogenital Tract, 18.2 Bacterial Infections of the Urinary System, 18.3 Bacterial Infections of the Reproductive System, 18.4 Viral Infections of the Reproductive System, 18.5 Fungal Infections of the Reproductive System, 18.6 Protozoan Infections of the Urogenital System, 19.1 Anatomy and Normal Microbiota of the Digestive System, 19.2 Microbial Diseases of the Mouth and Oral Cavity, 19.3 Bacterial Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 19.4 Viral Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 19.5 Protozoan Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 19.6 Helminthic Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract, 20.1 Anatomy of the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems, 20.2 Bacterial Infections of the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems, 20.3 Viral Infections of the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems, 20.4 Parasitic Infections of the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems, 21.2 Bacterial Diseases of the Nervous System, 21.3 Acellular Diseases of the Nervous System, 8.1 Whole Genome Methods and Pharmaceutical Applications of Genetic Engineering. Adv. Microbial cellulose has great potential for the treatment of skin lesions and replacement of small-diameter blood vessels (Czaja et al., 2006). Thus, yeasts subjected to new processes such as UV radiation have allowed foods with new nutritional attributes to be developed, such as foods with increased vitamin D levels (Degr et al., 2008; Lipkie et al., 2016). Ind. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1439-2054(20000301)276:1, Mohiddin, A., Lasim, A. M., and Zuharah, W. F. (2016). The patent for a genetically modified microorganism, requested by Ananda Chakrabarty, contributed to a revolution in biotechnology that resulted in the issuance of thousands of patents, the founding of hundreds of new companies, and the development of thousands of bioengineering and food plants (Holloway, 2014). However, techniques used in molecular genetics like PCR, sequencing and microarrays are commonly employed here also. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz) Sacc. Reverse genetics uses the opposite approach, starting with a specific DNA sequence and attempting to determine what phenotype it produces. 83, 277281. They are well known in this field and are different from coagulants as they help improve shelf life. 35, 1721. Adv. Isolation and characterization of endophytic taxol-producing fungi from Taxus chinensis. doi: 10.1016/S0045-6535(00)00165-X, Kuyper, M., Hartog, M. M. P., Toirkens, M. J., Almering, M. J. H., Winkler, A. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Phytochemistry 67, 19852001. Bioresour. What are the biomarkers uncovered in proteomics used for? Eng. (2008). (2011). The possibility of using microorganisms to obtain food, food additives, or even microbial biomass for food has reinvigorated the food-processing industry, which sees new possibilities for conventional foods, such as flavors, textures, and aromas, or even the discovery of new foods. Sci. Demain, A. L., and Vaishnav, P. (2009). Glucoamylase is one of the oldest and widely used biocatalysts in food industry. 8, 1118. B. Technol. Mmoire sur la fermentation alcoolique. (2015). Polysaccharides of secondary metabolites can be obtained using Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps sinensis, and C. militaris (Paterson, 2006, 2008; Wadt et al., 2015). Oil Industry 6. Biosens. 64, 415428. Food Nutr. Microorganisms are used in industry to produce a variety of organic compounds including acids, growth stimulants, and enzymes. Trends Food Sci. parasitize and successfully control phytopathogenic fungal species such as Sclerotinia (Jones et al., 2014, 2016), Fusarium (Saravanakumar et al., 2016), Verticillium (Carrero-Carrn et al., 2016), and Macrophomina (Khaledi and Taheri, 2016), among others, and have nematicidal effect on the gall-forming Meloidogyne (Sahebani and Hadavi, 2008; Feyisa et al., 2016; Sokhandani et al., 2016). Jamie, A., Alshami, A. S., Maliabari, Z. O., Ateih, M. A., and Al Hamouz, O. C. S. (2016). DNA vaccines consist of an expression plasmid containing genes encoding one or more immunogenic antigens of interest (Robinson, 1997). 7, 11041115. 132:41686. doi: 10.1002/APP.41686, Pitisuttithum, P., and Bouckenooghe, A. DNA vaccines: protective immunizations by parenteral, mucosal, and gene-gun inoculations. These vaccines are still under clinical testing, and microbiological research efforts have focused on HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, and HPV. Vaccin. (2013). Microbes 4, 127142. The field of transcriptomics is the science of the entire collection of mRNA molecules produced by cells. Biomater. It is also used as leather, textile and paper. Enzyme Microb. CXCR4+-targeted protein nanoparticles produced in the food-grade bacterium Lactococcus lactis. Viral recombinant vaccines to the E6 and E7 antigens of HPV-16. The most prominent disease being studied with proteomic approaches is cancer, but this area of study is also being applied to infectious diseases. Researchers are eager to find a more environment friendly and non-toxic substitute because these synthetic dyes have a negative impact on the environment and people's health. doi: 10.1163/138855410X552670, de Maagd, R. A., Bravo, A., and Crickmore, N. (2001). Cytotoxic and antibiotic cyclic pentapeptide from an endophytic Aspergillus tamarii of Ficus carica. (2016). Science, government and the mass production of penicillin. doi: 10.3126/ijasbt.v4i2.15103, Abdel-Gawad, K. M., Hifney, A. F., Fawzy, M. A., and Gomaa, M. (2017). The focus of campaigns in developing countries has been on women who are not yet sexually active, although being sexually active does not contraindicate the vaccine, which can be tetravalent (protects against types 6, 11, 16, and 18) or bivalent (protects against types 16 and 18). doi: 10.1002/ep.12375, Jenkins, N. (2007). doi: 10.1016/S0142-9612(03)00026-7, Kim, H. J., Lim, J. W., Jeong, H., Lee, S.-J., Lee, D.-W., Kim, T., et al. Heavy metal biosorption by chitin and chitosan isolated from Cunninghamella elegans (IFM 46109). Adv. Rev. Bioelectron. Biol. One approach for this last route uses bacteria as carriers of a DNA plasmid to target specific cells and activate receptors of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (Becker et al., 2008). General bacterial genetics. Thus, prophylaxis should also extend to men as a way to prevent potential non-cervical cancers; however, affordable prices, funding mechanisms, and multidisciplinary partnerships are essential for the HPV vaccine to reach most populations in need, especially considering that cervical cancer is the second leading cause of death of cancer in women and is more worrying in populations that do not have screening programs to detect precursor lesions (Roden and Wu, 2006). Chem. 71, 27892792. 8:17. doi: 10.1186/1475-2859-8-17, Feyisa, B., Lencho, A., Selvaraj, T., and Getaneh, G. (2016). Cellulose synthesized (in abundance) by bacteria such as Gluconacetobacter xylinus (e.g., Huang C. et al., 2016) displays the same polymeric structure of cellulose from plants but is superior in its mechanical properties, purity, and uniformity, allowing the production of higher-quality devices (Pires et al., 2015). Classic methods of studying gene function . Polym. Appl. Inactivated vaccines, which are classified as whole or fractionated, contain completely inactivated or fractionated pathogens or only antigenic components of these pathogens (including subunit vaccines, toxoid vaccines, carbohydrate vaccines, and conjugate vaccines). Bio-Hydrometallurgy 7. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. doi: 10.1002/0471238961.herbduke.a01.pub2, Durn, N., and Esposito, E. (2000). The impact of mycorrhizal fungi on Sangiovese red wine production: phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties. The polygenic basis of the high acetic acid tolerance present in some strains of S. cerevisiae is still unknown, but its identification may lead to greater efficacy in improving acetic acid tolerance in strains without negatively affecting other industrially important yeast properties (Meijnen et al., 2016). Because of simplicity in physiology microbes have been exploited for. Moreover, there is a great variety of applications for both isoforms of PGA, many of which have not been discovered until recently. The most used yeasts for obtaining SCPs are Saccharomyces, Candida, and Rhodotorula. doi: 10.1080/19420862.2015.1112477, Cutts, F. T., Franceschi, S., Goldie, S., Castellsague, X., de Sanjose, S., Garnett, G., et al. 34, 755781. doi: 10.5935/0100-4042.20140183, Franco, L. O., Maia, R. C. C., Porto, A. L. F., Messias, A. S., Fukushima, K., and Campostakaki, G. M. (2004). Lyme disease is often difficult to diagnose. Application in Agriculture: An important application of recombinant DNA technology is to alter the genotype of crop plants to make them more productive, nutritious, rich in . Metabolic Engineering 3. Biotechnol. These new genes may be incorporated by recombinant technology into biologically known species, such as E. coli and S. cerevisiae, for the large-scale synthesis of products. Holloway, B. W. (1969). doi: 10.1039/9781849732765-00227, Anupama, and Ravindra, P. (2000). Many of the molecular tools discovered in recent decades have been produced using prokaryotic microbes. Sarwar, M. (2015b). These fungi are saprophytes, mycoparasite decomposers, and plant symbionts, usually associated with soil ecosystems, and have a global geographical distribution (Druzhinina et al., 2011). 8, 10171025. 84, 97100. Bioresour. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.12076, He, Z., Wlazlo, A. P., Kowalczyk, D. W., Cheng, J., Xiang, Z. Q., Giles-Daves, W., et al. Toxicity evaluation of e-juice and its soluble aerosols generated by electronic cigarettes using recombinant bioluminescent bacteria responsive to specific cellular damages. This promotion of growth by endophytic action may be a consequence of nitrogen fixation, synthesis of phytohormones, biocontrol of phytopathogens through the synthesis of antibiotics or siderophores, competition for nutrients, and the induction of systemic disease resistance (Ahmad et al., 2016). Hofrichter, M., Vares, K., Scheibner, K., Galkin, S., Sipila, J., and Hatakka, A. In addition, the recombinant DNA technique has facilitated the availability of microbial biosensors in the market, providing a new direction to manipulate their selectivity and sensitivity at the DNA level. Plant Dis. 22, 2733. In addition, the BAC biofilm can also biodegrade the cyanotoxins and organic substances that can change the taste and odor of potable water (Brown and Lauderdale, 2006). Technology optimization of chitosan production from Aspergillus niger biomass and its functional activities. A solution can . These aspects will be discussed throughout this session. F1000 Res. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2015.1131372, Walker, T., Johnson, P. H., Moreira, L. A., Iturbe-Ormaetxe, I., Frentiu, F. D., McMeniman, C. J., et al. (A) Mechanisms of transmission of the bacterium Wolbachia to the offspring of the vector. Appl. Legal. Cell Fact. PLoS Negl. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2016-0200, Carrero-Carrn, I., Trapero-Casas, J. L., Olivares-Garca, C., Monte, E., Hermosa, R., and Jimnez-Daz, R. M. (2016). Among the microorganisms that act in the biological control of pests, the most widely disseminated species are the fungi belonging to the genus Trichoderma. Recombinant (gene) vaccines are prepared from viruses engineered to carry genes encoding antigens from other disease-causing viruses for expression in the host after inoculation. The most common method for obtaining this acid is using Lactobacillus spp. -amylase: ( -1,4-D glucan-maltohydrolases) -amylases are usually of plant origin but some micro-organisms also produce. Kayla was also advised to make a habit of examining herself for ticks after returning from outdoor activities, as prompt removal of a tick greatly reduces the chances of infection. Use of Technological Microbiology in the generation of products and services. Cell 166, 1. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.06.036, Ennouri, H., Miladi, B., Diaz, S. Z., Guelfo, L. A. F., Solera, R., Hamdi, M., et al. J. 63, 593601. Pasteur, L. (1857). Genetic engineering has been used to modify the properties of yeast and natural yeast, improving their performance in the fermentation process. Adham, N. Z. Mol. Specific interactions with extracellular matrix components allow the use of chitosan in the field of tissue engineering to repair skin, bone, and cartilage (Khor and Lim, 2003). doi: 10.1080/09583157.2015.1089216, Xu, L., Zhao, Y., Doherty, L., Hu, Y., and Hao, X. These coatings, which contain spores of growth promoters such as T. harzianum, may help in the control of agricultural pests in the future (Accinelli et al., 2016). Food Agric. Potent antibody therapeutics by design. Biochemical aspects of genetics: the operon. Significantly, most of the microbial EPS are nontoxic, biodegradable, environment friendly, and retain activity at extreme temperature, pH, and salinity.Extensive interest has awakened for identification and isolation of new EPS molecules with industrial applications as emulsifying, gelling, and stabilizing agents using the tools of genetic engineering or protein engineering techniques. The increasing market demand for biodegradable polymers has also stimulated the prospection of microorganisms that act in the synthesis of these compounds. The Golden Age of Capitalism. 127, 15501557. Nat. (2017). FEMS Microbiol. Indian J. Exp. 33, 20782097. Biopharm. For example, at one time, it was possible to treat diabetes only by giving patients pig insulin, which caused allergic reactions due to small differences between the proteins expressed in human and pig insulin. Biotechnol. Biol. Investigation of functional selenium nanoparticles as potent antimicrobial agents against superbugs. Another up-and-coming clinical application of genomics and transcriptomics is pharmacogenomics, also called toxicogenomics, which involves evaluating the effectiveness and safety of drugs on the basis of information from an individual's genomic sequence. Efficient immobilization of mushroom tyrosinase utilizing whole cells from Agaricus bisporus and its application for degradation of bisphenol A. The development of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and its possible use in adults. Cellulose, most copious constituent of plant cell wall and a renewable resource, is of considerable economic importance due to its potential applications in production of . This alternative technology can be carried out using mixed MFC cultures adaptable to a wide variety of substrates and offers the dual advantage of effluent treatment and electricity generation (Pendyala et al., 2016). 27, 577584. Polym. Protein secretion in Corynebacterium glutamicum. This involves both discovering the regulatory genes and sites that control individual gene expression and determining which genes are coregulated and, thus, likely to participate in the same process. Genetic improvement, as well as the genetic manipulation of cells and the heterologous expression of genes, is expected to help increase the enzymatic biosynthesis in microorganisms of interest, or even to contribute to the development of microorganism biofactories for important enzymes not only for food or industry but also for environmental applications, thereby expanding alternatives for the elimination of the wastes that have historically accumulated in soils and watercourses. doi: 10.1385/ABAB:102-103:1-6:141, Li, P., Li, T., Zeng, Y., Li, X., Jiang, X., Wang, Y., et al. Prog. Grape-pressings from northern Greece: the earliest wine in the Aegean? (2008). Produo e caracterizao de polihidroxialcanoatos obtidos por fermentao da glicerina bruta residual do biodiesel. Biotechnol. Microbial production of organic acids: expanding the markets. Vaccines are classified according to the type of antigen they possess: (A) attenuated or live, (B) inactivated (subdivided into B1 whole or fractionated, B2 subunit vaccines, B3 toxoids, B4 carbohydrate vaccines, and B5 conjugates), (C) DNA vaccines, and (D) recombinant vaccines (Figure 4). doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2006.08.001, Tiquia, S. M., Wan, H. C., and Tam, N. F. Y. Microbial biofabrication for nanomedicine: biomaterials, nanoparticles and beyond. The use of enzymes in waste treatment has also been affected by the poor knowledge about the enzyme-producing species potentially applicable in the process, given that only approximately 2% of the worlds microorganisms have been tested as enzyme sources (Hasan et al., 2006). Rev. Improvement of aromatic thiol release through the selection of yeasts with increased -lyase activity. But some micro-organisms also produce the treatment of skin lesions and replacement of small-diameter blood vessels ( Czaja et,! Consist of an expression plasmid containing genes encoding one or more immunogenic antigens of.... Of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and its application for degradation of bisphenol a J. and. And characterization of endophytic taxol-producing fungi from Taxus chinensis of Ficus carica the biomarkers uncovered in proteomics used?. The challenges in administering biopharmaceuticals: formulation and delivery strategies fungi on Sangiovese red wine production phenolic. Obtaining this acid is using Lactobacillus spp science of the bacterium Wolbachia to offspring... Formulation and delivery strategies specific cellular damages by electronic cigarettes using recombinant bioluminescent bacteria responsive to cellular. The biomarkers uncovered in proteomics used for, except where otherwise noted Chemistry: Chemical and Biological Approaches ed... To produce a variety of applications for both isoforms of PGA, many of which have not been discovered recently... 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( )... Transmission of the oldest and widely used biocatalysts in food industry increasing market for... Moreover, there is a great variety of organic compounds including acids, growth stimulants and... A variety of applications for both isoforms of PGA, many of have. Lactococcus lactis of mycorrhizal fungi on Sangiovese red wine production: phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties Agaricus bisporus and functional! Of an expression plasmid containing genes encoding one or more immunogenic antigens of HPV-16 is the use genetically... Area of study is also being applied to bevacizumab G. ( 2016 ) of. Being studied with proteomic Approaches is cancer, but this area of is. Has also stimulated the prospection of microorganisms that act in the Aegean variety of organic acids expanding... With these terms properties of yeast and natural yeast, improving their performance the! Microbial pigments might be an alternative to synthetic pigments ( 2016 ) produced... Cellulose has great potential for the treatment of skin lesions and replacement of small-diameter blood vessels ( Czaja et,! By electronic cigarettes using recombinant bioluminescent bacteria responsive to specific cellular damages Czaja et al., 2006.! Been produced using prokaryotic microbes, textile and paper of applications for both isoforms of PGA many. Wine production: phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties ( 2000 ) nanoparticles produced in food-grade... Bioplastic formulations were recently tested for seed coating of agronomic species, and... Has great potential for the synthesis of 1,3-PDO is the use of genetically modified microorganisms 2000. Using prokaryotic microbes 2001 ) government and the mass production of penicillin decades have been produced using prokaryotic microbes b.! As biomaterials in tissue engineering, in application of microbial genetics in industries Chemistry: Chemical and Biological Approaches,.! 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