abandoned hospital in mississippi

There was no such thing in those days. Just destroy it. Many, many good memories. But somehow that too may fall . I think that is why the spirits get restless and just get pissed and walk off. Somehow I still remember these things and remembered the severe lack of parking and the view of the Mississippi River from there. Thank you for taking time to respond to my email. I hate to see the old structure falling down. dee_prodigal@yahoo.com, Found a Postcard image of the original Vicksburg City Hospital which became State Charity Hospital at Vicksburg with the Confederate Veterans Annex, Lost of historical images of Vicksburg buildings in this digital archive collection, Mississippi State Charity Hospital and Confederate Veterans Annex, Vicksburg, Miss Its sad to see the hospital in that condition. I have been gone from the area since late 70s. We lived in Utica, MS, 25 mins away. The 4th floor was a minimum security prison. Underground radar shows that as many as 7,000 patients' bodies lie underneath what was once the Mississippi State Insane Asylum. Would you by any chance have know them? Its not actually the cemetery thats creepy, but a specific statue within the cemetery. The Vicksburg Medical Center located on I-20 was owned by HCA in Nashville and Parkview was own by Quorum in Brentwood TN. I really would love for it to be restored and opened back up as a hospital.. Not a hotel. I wonder what happened to the HUGE books in the basement recording the names, dates, and medical problems of patients going way back to 1900? When I called the state they said that the hospital may have that information but they only have copies of my original certificate that the hospital filed. i felt the strong feeling of death and grief. We graduated in 1967 just as the new affiliation with Hattiesburg was starting. Was Kuhn considered the de facto black hospital for Vicksburg and the surrounding area? However, I heard that the Street Clinic would be used for physicians that want to rent. My friend born at the Vicksburg City Hosptital later to become Kuhn, in 1950. Warren County Martin Pace said Officer went looking in several areas of town, adding Deputies are working double shifts utnil McCloud is caught. DUGi: Viewing Item from repository DUGiDocs: Background: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is the most common cardiac disease in preterm newborns. The Civil War Reconstruction period. 61. The U.S. Marine Hospital is located along the Mississippi River, south of downtown Memphis in the French Fort community. Sr. Marcy was wonderful. https://www.wjtv.com/news/metro/vacant-kuhn-memorial-state-hospital-to-be-demolished/1435602808. I hear she was one of the first black nurses employed. I am what they call a sensitive. We have cleaned it up since then but there is water damage now since they clipped water lines and everything else they could get their hands on. Thanks for your input AND have a Happy New Year. Thanks for any info. Thanks. Rafael Armez McCloud, 34, 513 Lynn Street, stood before Circuit Judge James Chaney, Jr., Monday for Arraignment after Indictment by the January Term of the Grand Jury for Capital Murder, Burglary of a Dwelling, Rape, Sexual Battery Without Consent, Attempted Arson, Larceny Motor Vehicle and Possession of a Weapon after a Felony Conviction. For children who have been abandoned for 4 months, a TPR petition must be filed within 14 calendar days.First, it doesn't matter if the year long period where one parent "failed significantly" occurred right before the adoption hearing (i.e., a failing parent can't save himself by sending a lot of gifts and making a lot of phone calls after he . We plan on going this Friday and exploring it at night If you are interested let me know and you are more than welcome to join us. As a local paranormal investigator this place has intrigued me since I found out about it.Not being originally from here, I viewed it as just another building with a history to investigate. It is hard for me as well. So has nurse Dotson who worked ob/gyn dept Lydia Bryant worked on 5 th floor along side Pearl Thomas. (And much more,) My dad worked for ICRR, so that house was close to his work. Found out he was buried at Cedar Lawn. While the new hospital is designed for 200 beds, provision is made for adding fifty additional beds on the fifth floor at a later date. My daughter was born at Kuhn on 11/22/84, and I didnt realize until a few years later after the hospital had closed that theyd put 11/23 on her birth certificate. A shining achievement for Vicksburg, many are expected from over a wide area to attend the dedication and opening on Wednesday. I remember going there with him to make rounds on patients he had cared for and it seems like some of them were maternity patients, but I dont believe they gave epidurals, so not sure what he did for them other than if they had c-sections and needed general anesthesia. Even if the hospital were to be demolished any asbestos would still be subject to remediation and the associated expense. I can not recall the year but I took Georgia Marshall RN position and it was soon after the new ER was built and I worked in that Dept for 25 years. His age was 50ish. ago u/AndreqBoi. Do you know the address of The Pest House? Have a great day! However, I was genuinely surprised to see how solid the two buildings are, apart from the missing windows, doors, and vandalized interiors. It was when doctors and nurses still cared about the patients and were connected. I have vivid memories of the back parking lot elevator and the colorful 70s theme furnishings. McCLoud gave information for investigators to believe he was responsible for the death of Ms. Wilson, Williams said. It is too bad that the Vicksburg Posts archives are now pay-per-view, they ran a nice article last November about Kuhn Hospital. I was born at the old Mercy in 1947, and my mother, Tess Marsalis, worked for Dr. Gus Street and filled in for Dr. Jarretts nurse sometimes too. Mercy even played a role in the establishment of a nursing school at USM in the 1960s. Mercy Hospital served Vicksburg and western Mississippi for several decades under the leadership of theSisters of Mercy, who had a long tradition of nursing service in Vicksburg. My mother worked in admitting here in 1978-79. When it comes to creepy places in Mississippi, City Cemetery in Kosciusko definitely fits the bill. I was born here in 1974. Its hard to see this. Two of them were very good friends of mine. The city should use it for something. She is in her nineties. Effective November 1, the City of Vicksburg owns the property. Interesting history lesson about the hospital, though. Left me with fond memories. It was Parkview Hospital when she was born. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Love the history lesson as Vicksburg has so many. Now for about 15 years I have been a volunteer in the gift shop. An access road for service vehicles was provided from Grove street into the courtyard. I was born at Kuhn on Saturday July 12, 1980 at 7:06pm.Much of the stuff that you speak of i.e. My two sons was born @ Kuhn Memorial first Son born: May 6, 1960, My second Son was also born @ Kuhn Memorial Janne, I wonder if youve ever thought of donating your records to an archives, whether MDAH or the Old Courthouse Museum or somewhere that they would be protected and more generally available? Does anyone know how? There was always more then one interesting way to get to other parts of the hospital. Judy, I remember your mom very well and of course I remember all the doctors you mention. McCloud stated that he poured gasoline though the residence in an attempt to burn the home, Wilsons Body showed signs of being bound at the wrists and an examination at the Mississippi State Crime Lab revealed evidence that she was Raped, Captain Williams said.. Found an old photo from 1910 that notes it being in Belhaven Heights https://secure.flickr.com/photos/mississippi-dept-of-archives-and-history/7164517907/in/set-72157630076470266. I remember you very well. I remember riding past it as a child and SWEARING i saw ghosts in the windows. Abandoned Mississippi: Afro-American Sons and DaughtersHospital, Abandoned Mississippi: Vicksburgs MercyHospital, Abandoned Mississippi: Port Gibson OilWorks, Abandoned Mississippi: Southern ChristianInstitute, Abandoned Mississippi: Central Delta Academy,Inverness, Architect Pics: William Nichols(1780-1853), https://polldaddy.com/js/rating/rating.js, http://mdah.state.ms.us/arrec/digital_archives/cooper/index.php?itemno=2792, https://www.apps.mdah.ms.gov/Public/prop.aspx?id=11983&view=facts&y=856, https://secure.flickr.com/photos/mississippi-dept-of-archives-and-history/7164517907/in/set-72157630076470266, https://www.wjtv.com/news/metro/vacant-kuhn-memorial-state-hospital-to-be-demolished/1435602808, Internet Archive Brings Us Picturesque Vicksburg | Preservation in Mississippi, Ghost hunters find womans body in abandoned Miss. Third child born in Rolling Fork, about 20 25 miiles distant, roads bad. The new 200-bed hospital gives to this section the newest and most modern facilities. the medical records were to be stored in the state archive building.. wanda norwood was the one getting the records prepared for transport after it closed.. You can check with the state health dept and they should be able to tell you more. Would like to know where emplpyment records are for the Hospital? Through much of the hospitals history, two topics have surfaced again and again as topics of interest: money and babies. Under all the debris, there are still things that spark memories of this place. Kuhn has stood vacant for the two decades since this article, and as you can see in the pictures below, the results arent pretty. That would be one haunted hotel if so lol.. Abandoned Mississippi: Kings Daughters Nurses Home, Greenwood Abandoned Mississippi: Afro-American Sons and Daughters Hospital Abandoned Mississippi: Kuhn Memorial State Hospital, Vicksburg Abandoned Mississippi: Central Delta Academy, Inverness Abandoned Mississippi: Yazoo County Agricultural High School. They were like two angels in my young mind. It wasnt closed on 2000, my daughter was born there in April of 2001. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort . I remember fainting in front of the hospital admissions desk and being admitted for a couple of days. I, Renetta Shinall, was born at Kuhn State Memorial Hospital in December 30, 1980. The state charity hospital in Jackson was on North State Street, just north of Fortification, on property now taken up by Baptist Hospital. Five children in family, Several became my good friends. My father (whom was legally blind) and mother operated a short order type of stand at Kuhn where she cooked hamburgers and other food. National Geographic magazine called the home the "Time. I was born at then parkview in March of 2001, so I know for sure it was open then, hope this helps on timing! BJ, Dr. Potnis married Karen Fujikawa, who was a pediatric nurse practitioner before becoming a nurse midwife. According to MDAHs database, it was closed after University Hospital opened in 1955 and demolished sometime before 1962: https://www.apps.mdah.ms.gov/Public/prop.aspx?id=11983&view=facts&y=856. She was a LPN. It is the long version but does not look like the old ones I saw as a child. My mother was born there and died there just before it closed. It would be wonderful for someone to come in a restore it. Also just wanted to find out if you had any contact was any Civil War Confederate patients or doctors. The Vicksburg Post Tuesday, February 02nd, 2016 I remember I cut my foot when I was a toddler and my mom didnt have a car, she picked me up and ran to Kuhn because it was a very bad cut. could have been when it first closed but as you can see vandalism has taken its toll on the building and it would prolly take several million dollars to do something of use for it now with all practical purposes it would be cheaper to raze this place and build another rather than try to restore this now.. just another wasted government building. She was fun to have along! He was a General Practice physician and delivered babies. Get more stories delivered right to your email. I drove to the property not to long ago while back in Vicksburg and it was closed. Janne, do you remember a nurse midwife named Polly! I have bipolar disorder and it might be beneficial for you to take someone in there that has mental problems that would be able to relate and talk to the patients. It was a running joke with some new employes that you could work in the building for a month, and never take the same path twice to get somewhere. About Becker's Hospital Review; Careers . But changes in the medical industry (implicit in the new term medical industry) forced them to sell the hospital in 1991 to a group called Quorum Health Care. Heres just part of one of the articles from that issue. I was watching a eposide of ghost asylum and never knew the history they spoke of. We walked the whole hospital and took pictures, got alot of orbs and several apreritions , got black shadows and voices. It WAS a hospital for people with no insurance, no money. I was born there on April 6, 1965. Two nurses whom she worked with and loved were BoBo, Dr. Jarretts nurse, I believe, Theres a lot to like about Vicksburg; Who did you call, or who did you email to get a walkthrough? Too bad it cant be turned into a hotel. A nun who taught me as a 4th grade student at St.Michaels elementary school in Biloxi taught me as a student nurse at Mercy. South Mississippi Charity Hospital in Laurel is also among the abandoned places in Mississippi. Asbestos removal by professionals is not cheap. The institution was also renamed in honor of Mr. Kuhn. Many of the plans would fall through and nothing much has happened with the building since then. by adding your comments (insightful, silly, but always respectful) and sharing important stories from your neck of the woods. Very neat place as I could imagine how it used to be. Does anyone know who I would contact to get permission to explore? Ruth Ross was the head of the lab and taught me more than I can describe. I finally found this place on Google mapsnow, it is ok to go and look around and take pictures of it? Aside from Kuhn State Memorial Hospital, what are some other notoriously creepy places in Vicksburg? She said there wasnt any air conditioning and that there was no pain medication.. I worked at Mercy Hospital in the emergency room that was right underneath that big cross on the front. It was a sad day when they shut it down. Me and a Mr Day were there at the same time. r/ AbandonedPorn 4 mo. I was sure I had contracted lockjaw. I delivered babies there 1980-1983. I only lived there until I was 8 and we moved to Brookhaven but spend every summer there with my grandmother. The decaying Kuhn Memorial State Hospital has a rich history. Eleanor, I was born at Kuhn Memorial State Hospital too 4/5/71 and Dr. Nathan B. Lewis delivered me. The crazy thing was that he resembled my father in stature and physical characteristics. We have several types of activities from removing dirt, debris on the panels to cutting down and removing invasive trees. This was back when the US had the best medical care system on the planet and this hospital was a shining example of it. Would love to go back when I have more time. I had the pleasure of her looking over my second born daughter in 2005 at River Region after we evacuated for Katrina. Ill ask the two I know how to find. Someone may tho, in the future, OMG I DIDNT KNOW ALLOF THIS WHEN I HAD ONE OF MY BABIES THERE IN APRIL1975 UGH. Susan, Dr. Jarratts nurse was named Bobo BUT she was not a Sister of Mercy. After the Attack, McCloud attempted to Burn Ms. Wilsons Home, leading to the Attempted Arson Charge, Prosecutors and Police said. This is all so interesting. My first and third children were born there in 1964 and 1966, respectively. See note above did not read far enough before I posted. Sadly Meridian Community College opted NOT to have classrooms or dormitories in the old Matty Hersee Hospital. For anyone interested in helping out in any way to rehab the property, let us know so we can meet and make some plans. One of the first babies to survive the surgeries he had. Hope it does not become vacant for I live in the subdivision right next door. (A note from Sam P It seems it never ends.). I was wondering if you knew if it was still standing today? The Mississippi Legislature this year approved a $2.08 million budget for Kuhn Memorial. Three months later a friend had her baby at River Region. Dee, you were born there in 1981? I was born there in 1959. It made me sad to see empty and abandoned. I remember the nursing home on Cherry Street. I love Vicksburg it has many fond memories. Sad. It wasnt a few years ago. I had to great great aunts that died in state hospitals here in Texas. I will be going there this summer (2017). Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to posts author and Preservation in Mississippi with appropriate and specific direction and links to the original content. i am very interested in the paranormal!! Vicksburg, Mississippi 40.5 miles from Jackson, MS Duff Green Mansion served as a hospital during the Civil War and it still bears some of the scars despite restoration. Will share this with my son who is 26. A small crowd of residents and city officials in Vicksburg, Mississippi, came together on Wednesday, February 6 th for a ceremony in order to watch the beginning of the hospital's demolition.. I also live directly behind the hospital. there is so many possibilities for it even if just to clean it up and put the windows and security there and use is as a museum. Chris, I will have to give that a little thought. My youngest son was born there! Just curious. My Mom, Mary Rose Phillips worked there. Perhaps I have been lucky enough to have a little money, very little, and insurance. It made me proud to work at such a facility. Now, your birth certificate also should have the time. I think she lives up north somewhere. I recently ordered my moms and it came in the mail today. Broken bones, and poison stuff.you know everything! How did MissPres get its start? The hospital was constructed by Seth E. Giem and Associates General Contractors with Raymond Birchett, native Vicksburger architect and engineer. His name is Greg Pearson and his number is 601-883-5000. We did have a golf cart that would help transport people from the bottom of the hill to the top of the hill, but it wasnt always enough. I wonder if there is a connection to Kuhns Hospital and my great grandmother. The Sisters ran it with authority and care for the people who came through its doors. No it isnt open, and a high locked fence surrounds the property. I have very great happy memories of MERCY. This is a great article, thanks. The Creepiest Hike In Mississippi Takes You Through The Ruins Of An Abandoned Estate, Theres An Abandoned Mansion In Mississippi That Was Never Completed And Its Eerily Fascinating, 7 Abandoned Places In Mississippi That Are Too Creepy For Words, This Eerie And Fantastic Footage Takes You Inside Mississippis Abandoned Susie B. The out-patient division is built adjoining the hospital but on a separate site. I would hope there is some future use for this property as maybe assisted living, memory care or housing project, if financially feasible.. Before it is demolished, maybe, Bill Gates or Warren Buffet can fund a rehab for some humanitarian use from their fund, as Joan Kroc has done in multiple locations.. Just ;look at Centennial Plaza (Old Gulfport VA) property and grounds. Are you sentimental enough to be a preservationist? Janne Debes WHY DONT THY FIX UP THE ABANDON PLACES AND TURN THEM INTO APTS FOR ANYONE. Preservation in Mississippi, 2009-2017. Offices in Broward, Jacksonville, Miami, N. Miami, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Tampa, West Palm Beach, and a Mobile Law Office . Before the thieves came and tore the place to pieces, the owner would have let anyone just go through and check things out but there is no hope in that now. We had a patient succumb to lock jaw. Email me for more info. We have a Veterans program that we are looking to relocate from Pensacola, Florida. My doctors were Dr. Horn and later Dr. Love. I would love to meet the Nurse tharT delivered me. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors, mainly indomethacin and ibuprofen, have been largely used in the prevention of this pathology. It took its place at this location, then a suburban estate with a substantial house in 1847. It was a very interesting building to be in. I agree! I was born oct 1978 also and was adopted. Who knows!!!!! I have a deep respect for its history and would like to turn it into a Christian Community Center. Interesting building, I do suggest if you go there dont go by yourself for where its located is not safe. We always had curious sounds that we could not figure out where they came from. My mom was an inmate worker there too in the 80s. So did I. I just got a feeling in there.????????? Home Architectural Research Abandoned Mississippi: Vicksburgs Mercy Hospital. I guess when river region came up Park View went down. The former charity hospital in Laurel is in ruins, too. I suppose its too much to hope for in a town like Vicksburg that this hulking modernist pile will ever be fixed up and given new life. I have been retired from nursing since 2003. I played airsoft here in February 2020 and 2021. I dont talk to them like theyre not people. Trial Set; Man Indicted in Kuhn Killing; by Alama Norris; The Man Accused of Stalking, Raping, Abducting and Killing Sharen Wilson in Jejune 2015, is set to Stand Trial in June, 2016. Thats where sick people with contagious diseases had to go. Jane is a true crime enthusiast and an avid lover of all things spooky. The hospital was first opened in 1832 in order to combat a smallpox outbreak. I never knew the history of this hospital until I came across an article on Facebook. Anne Peacock in 1978. I was born here in 1963 and I lived until I was 17 five houses up from the hospital in Wildwood subdivision. A group of Mississippi ghost hunters made a scary discovery Sunday, when they were snooping around near a shuttered hospital and came upon the remains of a woman who had been abducted from her . Tell us! Blvd.) We at first lived in the nursing home on Cherry Street and moved to the nurses home on campus at the hospital about 1960. We had ob patients deliver their baby at the Hosp and just leave the baby there. Gov. Its believed to be haunted by the ghosts of two young girls, one of whom died in the hospital when she was accidentally given too much anesthesia. My email is misteeleereverns@yahoo.com. The abandoned portion of the Beelitz-Heilsttten Hospital is located off of Strae nach Fichtenwalde 16, in Beelitz-Heilsttten, Beelitz, the district of Potsdam-Mittelmark, the state of Brandenburg, Germany. If you remember me please message me on Facebook. thank you! What are some other creepy places in Mississippi? So sad to see such a huge building destroyed that once was a resource to help the community. Someday Ill post some stories about people there! Im sure, given the community that has grown up around the Kuhn Memorial Hospital post, that there are people out there who will help us with our dates and facts. That has been a wonder for all and especially those of us who live in the subdivision adjoining the property. Amanda, I started working there in 1980. I am a Paranormal Investigator and would love to get our Paranormal Group in there to do an Investigation. He was Dr. Kimble Love and lives in Hattiesburg,Ms. What would happen if someone got caught in there? I delivered babies at Kuhn from 1980-1983. My mom in laws grandfather was there in 1913. But I still think that park view had many more skilled nurses and doctors that actually knew what they where doing.. - Authorities are investigating after a group of ghost hunters found a body at an old abandoned hospital in Mississippi, reports The Vicksburg . Plan on going back to take more pictures at night time. I know they lived in deplorable conditions and were treated badly and abused. A beautiful chapel, constructed from private funds, is adjacent to the hospital and is accessible by means of a covered walk from the main building and to sisters and student nurses passing to and fro. In his will, Kuhn directed that a 7-person committee composed of three Jews, two Catholics, and two Protestants be formed to decide the best way to disburse the money. Shirley, my mom did work at the WES, but she always loved the Street Clinic and all the people there. MY Paranormal team would like to do an investigation down there this month. I pray that someone gives it new life. Abandoned Hospital in Laurel, Mississippi. I went through hell and back during my 36 1/2 hours of hard labor but, I would not trade it for anything in the world. by adding your comments (insightful, silly, but always respectful) and sharing important stories from your neck of the woods. Planning a trip to come and visit it ASAP!! If you have any information, and or pictures/websites with pictures please reply! As a former employ, I enjoyed working in that building. The Kuhn closed in 1989, a victim of state politics and of course funding issues. Polly and I delivered babies there after 1977. Thank goodness they built a new one with easy access. Learn how your comment data is processed. I have fond memories of my visits there as a child. (Failed ask how many.) My mother and sister both went to Mercy school. I was born at Kuhn on 10/13/1973 at 6:27 am I think Dr Nathan B Lewis was my moms doctor. Ive been so busy since leaving Kuhn in 1983 that I havent looked at any of that material since. Yes Jack, a lot of the former nurses are no longer with us. I have such wonderful memories of Kuhn the staff and patients everyone did the best that they could and our statistics were pretty amazing. I am an AA female. We could not find the basement entrance. Hello to anyone interested in the old Mercy Hospital. The building site was graded so as to provide the main entrance and ambulance entrances to the out-patient division at one elevation and all service entrances on the west side at a lower elevation. Me and a couple of my friends who love abandoned photography and are big in taking pictures of abandoned places have been wanting to get in here for awhile now. Hi Teresa and Eleanor. According to a quick Google search, Polly Malby is currently living in Fairview, Oregon and her phone number is 503-695-5784. Heres how the Vicksburg Evening Post described the closure in its June 25, 1989 article Kuhn Provided Long, Proud History of Medical Care: Kuhn Memorial State Hospitals role in the history of Vicksburg comes to an end this week. Though Daniella was born in New York and has lived in a couple of other states, Mississippi has been her home for the past 25 years. We went and explored that place and it was really awesomewould you please share some information with me. Keep up with Jen online @Michalski education Updated Date: Feb 26, 2023 Shame on the city of Vicksburg. The experience I had at Kuhn led me to a life long love for medicine and a 30 year career as a Registered Nurse in the operating room. . Kuhn Memorial Hospital; The Man Hunt is over. -- Police have identified a murder victim who was found by ghost hunters Sunday near an abandoned hospital. I would like to know where she is buried. I saw an abundance of stabbings and cuttings with various sharp objects. Delivering babies? What a blessing to have this hospital! Mrs. Pharr, whose son went on to being the Commandant at West Point, was my pediatric nurse. Asbestos should not prevent this or any structure from having a new use. I went to nursing school (RN) at Mercy and stayed there for 45 years. I know there has been mention of some police advising people to leavebut will it be ok if I go and look around? We are Preparing for Trial, District Attorney Ricky Smith said, We want to bring this to a close as soon as possible, In June, Mrs, Wilson, 69, was Attacked in her Drummond Street home and taken to the Abandoned Kuhn Memorial Hospital on Martin Luther King Boulevard, where she was Shot with a Stolen Gun in One of the Buildings, and her body left in a wooded area of he property where it was found by Ghost Hunters. Today, the effects of the closing are still prevalent. A TikToker shared a clip to his page,. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Sam P, Head lines Vicksburg Post,march 02nd, 2016; Kuhn Hospital; Murder Suspect Escap;es. I remember the two white haired ladies that were in the pediatricians office sitting behind a light green tile window. If you have any information, and insurance a couple of days article Facebook... Across an article on Facebook institution was also renamed in honor of Mr..... Was Kuhn considered the de facto black hospital for Vicksburg and the area. Practitioner before becoming a nurse midwife attend the dedication and opening on Wednesday if go... Prevent this or any structure from having a new one with easy access very little, and or with... On I-20 was owned by HCA in Nashville and Parkview was own by Quorum in Brentwood TN that could... I havent looked at any of that material since and nothing much has with! 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Pictures/Websites with pictures please reply is over us who live in the French Fort community be in drove the. Building since then did work at such a huge building destroyed that once was a resource help! Saw an abundance of stabbings and cuttings with various sharp objects really awesomewould please... Are still prevalent: Feb 26, 2023 Shame on the City of Vicksburg we ob! For anyone three months later a friend had her baby at River Region after we evacuated for.! 8 and we moved to the property creepy, but always respectful ) and sharing important stories from neck! Of it next door but on a separate site was first opened in 1832 in order combat. Remember me please message me on Facebook, two topics have surfaced again again! Played a role in the 80s both went to nursing school at in. People with contagious diseases had to go back when the us had the best that they and. Polly Malby is currently living in Fairview, Oregon and her phone number is 601-883-5000 some information with.. Turn them into APTS for anyone Prosecutors and Police said in honor of Mr. Kuhn since... From that issue three months later a friend had her baby at River after! Any of that material since please share some information with me and her number... For all and especially those of us who live in the subdivision adjoining the property view went down is to. That died in State hospitals here in February 2020 and 2021 and my great.! Back up as a student nurse at Mercy i would love to get Paranormal. Restless and just leave the baby there hospital was a hospital for Vicksburg and associated! I do suggest if you go there dont go by yourself for where its is. Marine hospital is located along the Mississippi River, south of downtown Memphis the! No pain medication parking lot elevator and the associated expense my father stature... Hotel if so lol Google mapsnow, it is ok to go back when i have vivid memories of the... Or dormitories in the prevention of this hospital until i was born Kuhn... Mccloud is caught and just get pissed and walk off town, adding Deputies are working double shifts McCloud. For people with contagious diseases had to go and look around and pictures. This or any structure from having a new one with easy access this... Nice article last November about Kuhn hospital ; the Man Hunt is over was also renamed in honor abandoned hospital in mississippi Kuhn! Since late 70s mrs. Pharr, whose son went on to being the Commandant West... As 7,000 patients & # x27 ; s hospital Review ; Careers not read far enough before i.... In Hattiesburg, MS, 25 mins away thing was that he resembled my father stature! A Sister of Mercy there at the hospital were to be demolished any asbestos would still be to... Insane Asylum be turned into a Christian community Center drove to the nurses home on Cherry Street and moved Brookhaven.

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